
(as used in expressions)
Cydones Demetrius
Pseudo Demetrius

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king of Bactria

flourished 2nd century BC
 king of Bactria who was the son and successor of Euthydemus. The historical evidence for Demetrius' reign is slight and open to varying interpretations. According to some scholars, he ruled from about 190 to about 167, when he was killed by Eucratides, who then became king. Earlier, Demetrius had made such extensive conquests in northern India that for a brief time he virtually reestablished there the great Mauryan empire that had collapsed about 184. Other scholars, however, contend that it was a younger Demetrius (likewise a Bactrian king but not directly related to the son of Euthydemus) who made conquests in India, of a less extensive kind, and lost his kingdom to Eucratides after reigning from about 180 to 165. The fact that one of these two men was the first to strike coins with a bilingual inscription in Greek and Prakrit suggests that he pursued a policy of treating the Indian peoples and the Bactrian Greeks as equals.

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