- Chandra Gupta II
or Candra Gupta II or Vikramadityaflourished 4th–5th centuries AD, IndiaA grandson of Chandra Gupta I (r. 320–с 335), who founded the dynasty, he is thought to have achieved power by assassinating a weak elder brother. He inherited a large empire and extended control over neighbouring territories through battle and marriage alliances. Under him, India enjoyed peace and relative prosperity. His system of government and his charity were admired by the Chinese pilgrim Faxian. He was a patron of the poet Kalidasa. Though a devout Hindu, he tolerated the Buddhist and Jain religions.
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▪ emperor of Indiaalso called Vikramadityapowerful emperor (reigned c. 380–c. 415 CE) of northern India. He was the son of Samudra Gupta and grandson of Chandra Gupta I. During his reign, art, architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India reached its climax.According to tradition, Chandra Gupta II achieved power by assassinating a weak elder brother. Inheriting a large empire, he continued the policy of his father, Samudra Gupta, by extending control over neighbouring territories. From 388 to 409 he subjugated Gujarat, the region north of Bombay ( Mumbai), Saurastra (now Saurashtra), in western India, and Malwa, with its capital at Ujjain. These territories were ruled by Shaka chiefs, whose ancestors were Scythian tribes from the regions around Lake Balkhash (Balkhash, Lake) (Balqash) in Kazakhstan. To strengthen his southern flank, he arranged a marriage between his daughter Prabhavati and Rudrasena II, king of the Vakatakas (Vākāṭaka Dynasty). When Rudrasena died, Prabhavati acted as regent for her sons, thereby increasing Gupta influence in the south. The emperor may also have made a matrimonial alliance with a dynasty in Mysore. He is almost certainly the King Chandra eulogized in the Sanskrit inscription on the iron pillar in the Qūwat al-Islām mosque in Delhi.A strong and vigorous ruler, Chandra Gupta II was well qualified to govern an extensive empire. Some of his silver coins bear the title Vikramaditya (“Sun of Valour”), which suggests that he was the prototype for the king Vikramaditya of later Hindu tradition. Although the emperor generally resided at Ayodhya, which he made his capital, the city of Pataliputra (now Patna in Bihar) also achieved prosperity and grandeur. A benevolent king under whom India enjoyed peace and relative prosperity, he also patronized learning; among the scholars at his court were the astronomer Varahamihira and the Sanskrit poet and dramatist Kalidasa (Kālidāsa). The Chinese Buddhist pilgrim Faxian, who spent six years (405–411) in India during Chandra Gupta II's reign, spoke highly of the system of government, the means for dispensing charity and medicine (the emperor maintained free rest houses and hospitals), and the goodwill of the people. But he never visited the emperor or his court. Chandra Gupta II was a devout Hindu, but he also tolerated the Buddhist and Jain religions.* * *
Universalium. 2010.