
/put"neuh, pat"-, put"nah"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Bihar, in NE India, on the Ganges. 490,265.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 1,376,950), capital of Bihar state, northeastern India, on the Ganges River.

It was founded in the 5th century BC as Pataliputra and was the capital of Magadha until the 1st century BC. It was ruled later by the Mauryan empire. A centre of learning, it became the Gupta dynasty's capital in the 4th century AD but declined and was deserted by the 7th century. Revived as Patna in 1541 by an Afghan ruler, it became prosperous under the Mughal dynasty and passed to the British in 1765. Extensive archaeological excavations have been made in its vicinity.

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ancient  Pataliputra 

      city, capital of Bihar state, northern India. It lies about 290 miles (470 km) northwest of Kolkata (Calcutta) (Calcutta). Patna is one of the oldest cities in India. During the Mughal period it was known as Azimabad.

      Patna is a riverside city that extends along the south bank of the Ganges (Ganga) River (Ganges River) for about 12 miles (19 km). West of the old city lies the section called Bankipur, and farther southwest is a spacious new capital area with wide roads, shady avenues, and new buildings. Prominent among Patna's modern structures are the Government House, the Assembly Chambers, the Oriental Library, a medical college, and an engineering college. Patna's historic monuments include the mosque of Ḥusayn Shah of Bengal (1499); the Sikh Temple associated with the 10th Guru, Govinda Singh; and the granary at Bankipur (1786), popularly called the Golghar. The city also has the University of Patna (1917) and the Patna Museum.

      The ancient city of Pataliputra was founded in the 5th century BCE by Ajatashatru, king of Magadha (South Bihar). His son Udaya (Udayin) made it the capital of Magadha, which it remained until the 1st century BCE. The second Magadha dynasty, the Maurya (Mauryan empire), ruled in the 3rd and early 2nd centuries BCE until the city was sacked in 185 by Indo-Greeks. The Shunga dynasty (Śuṅga Dynasty) then began, ruling until about 73 BCE. Pataliputra remained a centre of learning and in the 4th century CE became the Gupta capital. It declined and was deserted by the 7th century. The city was refounded as Patna by an Afghan ruler in 1541 and again rose to prosperity under the Mughal Empire. It passed to the British in 1765. Extensive archaeological excavations have been made in the vicinity. Pop. (2001) 1,366,444; urban agglom., 1,697,976.

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