Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, Baron

Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, Baron
born Aug. 21, 1789, Paris, France
died May 23, 1857, Sceaux

French mathematician, pioneer of analysis and group theory.

After a career as a military engineer in Napoleon's navy, he wrote a treatise in 1813 that became the basis of the theory of complex variables. He also clarified the theory of calculus by developing the concepts of limits and continuity, laid the foundations for the mathematical theory of elasticity, and made important contributions to number theory. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the modern era.

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French mathematician
born Aug. 21, 1789, Paris, Fr.
died May 23, 1857, Sceaux

      French mathematician who pioneered in analysis and the theory of substitution groups (groups whose elements are ordered sequences of a set of things). He was one of the greatest of modern mathematicians.

      At the onset of the Reign of Terror (179394) during the French Revolution, Cauchy's family fled from Paris to the village of Arcueil, where Cauchy first became acquainted with the mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace (Laplace, Pierre-Simon, marquis de) and the chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet (Berthollet, Claude-Louis).

      Cauchy became a military engineer and in 1810 went to Cherbourg to work on the harbours and fortifications for Napoleon's English invasion fleet. In spite of his work load he produced several mathematical papers of note, including the solution of a problem sent to him by Joseph-Louis Lagrange that established a relationship between the number of edges, the number of vertices, and the number of faces of a convex polyhedron, and the solution of Pierre de Fermat's problem on polygonal numbers.

      Cauchy returned to Paris in 1813, and Lagrange and Laplace persuaded him to devote himself entirely to mathematics. The following year he published the memoir on definite integrals that became the basis of the theory of complex functions. From 1816 he held professorships in the Faculty of Sciences, the Collège de France, and the École Polytechnique, all in Paris. When Gaspard Monge was expelled for political reasons from the Academy of Sciences (1816), Cauchy was appointed to fill the vacancy. The same year he won the grand prix of the Institute of France for a paper on wave propagation, now accepted as a classic in hydrodynamics. In 1822 he laid the foundations of the mathematical theory of elasticity.

      Cauchy's greatest contributions to mathematics, characterized by the clear and rigorous methods that he introduced, are embodied predominantly in his three great treatises: Cours d'analyse de l'École Royale Polytechnique (1821; “Courses on Analysis from the École Royale Polytechnique”); Résumé des leçons sur le calcul infinitésimal (1823; “Résumé of Lessons on Infinitesimal Calculus”); and Leçons sur les applications du calcul infinitésimal à la géométrie (182628; “Lessons on the Applications of Infinitesimal calculus to Geometry”). The first phase of modern rigour in mathematics originated in his lectures and researches in analysis during the 1820s. He clarified the principles of calculus and put them on a satisfactory basis by developing them with the aid of limits and continuity, concepts now considered vital to analysis. To the same period belongs his development of the theory of functions of a complex variable (a variable involving a multiple of the square root of minus one), today indispensable in applied mathematics from physics to aeronautics.

      Although acting only from the highest motives, Cauchy often offended his colleagues by his self-righteous obstinacy and aggressive religious bigotry. Upon the exile of Charles X in 1830 and the ascension of Louis-Philippe to the throne, Cauchy went into exile, too, rather than take the oath of allegiance. A chair of mathematical physics was created for him at the University of Turin, but in 1833 he left to tutor the Duke de Bordeaux, grandson of Charles X. In 1838, with the suspension of the oath, he returned to France, resuming his chair at the École Polytechnique.

      Cauchy made substantial contributions to the theory of numbers and wrote three important papers on error theory. His work in optics provided a mathematical basis for the workable but somewhat unsatisfactory theory of the properties of the ether, a hypothetical, omnipresent medium once thought to be the conductor of light. His collected works, Oeuvres complètes d'Augustin Cauchy (18821970), were published in 27 volumes.

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