complex variable — com′plex var′iable n. math. a variable to which complex numbers may be assigned as value • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
complex variable — noun : a number or expression of the form x+iy where i=√‒̅1 and x and y are in general variables * * * Math. a variable to which complex numbers may be assigned as value. [1875 80] … Useful english dictionary
Complex dynamics — is the study of dynamical systems defined by iteration of functions on complex number spaces. Complex analytic dynamics is the study of the dynamics of specifically analytic functions. Contents 1 Techniques[1] 2 Parts 3 See also … Wikipedia
Complex analysis — Plot of the function f(x)=(x2 1)(x 2 i)2/(x2 + 2 + 2i). The hue represents the function argument, while the brightness represents the magnitude. Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch … Wikipedia
Complex number — A complex number can be visually represented as a pair of numbers forming a vector on a diagram called an Argand diagram, representing the complex plane. Re is the real axis, Im is the imaginary axis, and i is the square root of –1. A complex… … Wikipedia
Complex plane — Geometric representation of z and its conjugate in the complex plane. The distance along the light blue line from the origin to the point z is the modulus or absolute value of z. The angle φ is the argument of z. In mathematics … Wikipedia
Complex logarithm — A single branch of the complex logarithm. The hue of the color is used to show the arg (polar coordinate angle) of the complex logarithm. The saturation (intensity) of the color is used to show the modulus of the complex logarithm. The page with… … Wikipedia
variable — variability, variableness, n. variably, adv. /vair ee euh beuhl/, adj. 1. apt or liable to vary or change; changeable: variable weather; variable moods. 2. capable of being varied or changed; alterable: a variable time limit for completion of a… … Universalium
Complex instruction set computing — A complex instruction set computer (CISC) ( /ˈsɪs … Wikipedia
Complex data type — Some programming languages provide a complex data type for complex number storage and arithmetic as a built in (primitive) data type. In some programming environments the term complex data type (in contrast to primitive data types) is a synonym… … Wikipedia