Arsinoe II

Arsinoe II
born с 316
died July 270 BC

Queen of Thrace (300281) and Egypt (277270).

Daughter of Ptolemy I Soter, she married the king of Thrace (300) and tried to have her son made heir instead of Agathocles, the king's son by an earlier marriage. Agathocles sought help from Seleucids, causing a war in which Arsinoe's husband was killed in battle. Her half brother, who took power in Thrace and Macedonia, cajoled her into marrying him and then promptly killed her two younger sons. She fled to Alexandria, ousted the wife of her brother Ptolemy II, and married him (с 277); like the pharaohs, the two were called "Philadelphoi" ("Sibling-Loving"). She wielded great power and shared many honours with Ptolemy, including deification while alive.

Arsinoe II, coin, 270250 BC; in the British Museum

By courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum

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queen of Thrace and Egypt
born c. 316 BC
died July 270 BC
 daughter of Berenice and Ptolemy I Soter, founder of the Macedonian (Ptolemaic) dynasty in Egypt; as queen of Thrace and later wife of her brother, King Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt, she ruthlessly used her two husbands to advance her own position and eventually wielded great power in both kingdoms.

      In 300 BC Arsinoe was married to Lysimachus, the king of Thrace, who renamed Ephesus after her and gave her three cities on the Black Sea, as well as Cassandrea, a city in northern Greece. She strove to secure the succession of the Thracian kingdom for the eldest of her three sons by accusing the heir apparent, Agathocles, the king's son by an earlier marriage, of plotting to kill his father. When the old and suspicious king ordered him executed, an ally of Agathocles in Asia Minor, the governor of Pergamum, requested aid from the Seleucid ruler Seleucus I Nicator, and war broke out between Thrace and the Middle Eastern Seleucid kingdom. After Lysimachus' death in battle (281), Arsinoe fled to Cassandrea. After assassinating Seleucus, Ptolemy Ceraunus (Arsinoe's half brother) cajoled her into marrying him, but, on entering Cassandrea, he promptly executed her two younger sons. Arsinoe escaped and eventually went to Alexandria (c. 279) to advance her fortune.

      Soon after her arrival in Egypt, Ptolemy II's first queen was accused, probably at Arsinoe's instigation, of plotting his murder and was exiled. Arsinoe then married her own brother (c. 277), a customary practice in Egypt but scandalous to the Greeks. “Philadelphoi” (“Brother-Loving”) consequently was added to the names of Ptolemy and Arsinoe.

      Arsinoe's influence in the Egyptian government grew very swiftly. She contributed to Ptolemy's victory in the First Syrian War (274271 BC) between Egypt and the Seleucid realm. Argaeus, Ptolemy's brother, and a half brother were executed on the familiar charge of conspiracy.

      Arsinoe shared all of Ptolemy's titles, appeared on the coinage alone and with her husband, and had her own throne name. Towns were named after her in Greece, and dedications to her were made at numerous places in Greece and Egypt.

      According to Egyptian custom, which recognized the living rulers as deities in their own right, Arsinoe was probably deified within her lifetime. After her death in 270, her cult was established in numerous places, including Alexandria, the Ptolemaic capital, where a great shrine, the Arsinoeion, was dedicated to her. Toward the end of Ptolemy II's reign, a province, Al-Fayyūm, southwest of Cairo, where the king had done much land reclamation, was renamed in her honour as the Arsinoite province.

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