- Ptolemy II
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
PTOLEMY — PTOLEMY, the common name of monarchs of the Macedonian (or Thirty First) Dynasty who ruled in Egypt from 323 to 30 B.C.E. It is unclear precisely how many such sovereigns there actually were; some scholars give a total of 14 and some 16. Most… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
PTOLEMY° — (Son of Mennaeus), king of Chalcis, in the region of the Lebanon (c. 85–40 B.C.E.). josephus relates that the inhabitants of Damascus despised Ptolemy, and preferred as king of Coele Syria the Nabatean king, Aretas. Ptolemy s position in the area … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ptolemy — Ptolemy1 [täl′ə mē] n. 1. name of a Macedonian dynasty of Egypt founded by Ptolemy I and ruling from 323 to 30 B.C. 2. pl. Ptolemies a member of this dynasty Ptolemy2 [täl′ə mē] 1. (L. name Claudius Ptolomaeus) 2d cent. A.D.; Alexandrian… … English World dictionary
PTOLEMY — (c. 135 B.C.E.), son of Ḥabub (Abubus) and son in law of simeon b. mattathias (the Hasmonean). Ptolemy was strategos (i.e., military and local commander) at Jericho. Plotting to overthrow the Hasmonean House in 135 B.C.E., he invited Simeon and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ptolemy — from Gk. Ptolemaios, lit. warlike, from ptolemos, collateral form of polemos war … Etymology dictionary
Ptolemy — For others with Ptolemy... names, and history of those names, see Ptolemy (name). Ptolemy An early B … Wikipedia
Ptolemy — /tol euh mee/, n., pl. Ptolemies for 2. 1. (Claudius Ptolemaeus) fl. A.D. 127 151, Hellenistic mathematician, astronomer, and geographer in Alexandria. 2. any of the kings of the Macedonian dynasty that ruled Egypt 323 30 B.C. * * * I Latin… … Universalium
PTOLEMY — 1) the name of the Macedonian kings of Egypt, of which there were 14 in succession, of whom Ptolemy I., SOTER, was a favourite general of Alexander the Great, and who ruled Egypt from 328 to 285 B.C.; Ptolemy II., PHILADELPHUS, who ruled from… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Ptolemy — (c. 2nd century ad) Egyptian astronomer Virtually nothing is known about the life of Ptolemy (full name Claudius Ptolemaeus). He was probably a Hellenized Egyptian working in the library at Alexandria. He produced four major works the Almagest,… … Scientists
Ptolemy — (d. 58 BC) King of Cyprus. Illegitimate son of Ptolemy IX by an unknown mistress. When his brother became Ptolemy XII of Egypt in 80 BC, he was given Cyprus to rule. His kingdom was unilaterally annexed by Rome in 58 BC. He was offered the… … Ancient Egypt
Ptolemy — I Ptol•e•my [[t]ˈtɒl ə mi[/t]] n. pl. mies 1) big (Claudius Ptolemaeus) fl. a.d. 127–151, Alexandrian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer 2) big anh any of the kings of the Macedonian dynasty in Egypt 323–30 b.c. II Ptol•e•my [[t]ˈtɒl ə… … From formal English to slang