Ann, Cape

Ann, Cape
Cape northeast of Boston, Mass.

, U.S. Sheltering Ipswich Bay, it includes Annisquam Harbor on the north and Gloucester Harbor on the south. The rocky, picturesque promontory, named for Queen Anne (wife of James I), is noted for its old fishing villages and artists' colonies. Gloucester and Rockport are its main towns.

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 cape on the Atlantic Ocean comprising the eastern extremity of Essex county, northeastern Massachusetts, U.S., 30 miles (48 km) northeast of Boston. Sheltering Ipswich Bay, it is indented by Annisquam Harbor on the north and Gloucester Harbor on the south. The tidal Annisquam River, a 4-mile- (6.4-km-) long navigable waterway, connects the two harbours. The cape also shelters the northern part of Massachusetts Bay, which extends south to Cape Cod.

      The rocky, picturesque promontory, named for Queen Anne (wife of the British king James I), is noted for its quaint old fishing villages, resorts, and artists' colonies. Gloucester and Rockport (site ofMotif No. 1,” an ancient fishing shed that has been the subject of many photographs and paintings) are the main towns. Norman's Woe, a reef off the cape's east coast, has been the scene of numerous shipwrecks, and it is the setting of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth)'s poemThe Wreck of the Hesperus.Halibut Point forms Cape Ann's northernmost tip.

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