
/hes"peuhr euhs/, n.
an evening star, esp. Venus.
Also, Hesper.
[1350-1400; ME < L < Gk hésperos evening, western; akin to WEST, L vesper VESPER]

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Greco-Roman mythology
Greek  Hesperos,  also called  Vesper,  

      in Greco-Roman mythology, the evening star; although initially considered to be the son of Eos (the Dawn) and the Titan Astraeus, he was later said to be the son or brother of Atlas. He was later identified with the morning star, Phosphorus, or Eosphorus (Latin: Lucifer), the bringer of light (later discovered by astronomers to be the planet Venus). Hesperus is variously described by different authors as the father of the Hesperides (the guardians of the golden apples) or of their mother, Hesperis.

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  • Hesperus — Hes pe*rus, n. [L. See {Hesper}.] 1. Venus when she is the evening star; Hesper. [1913 Webster] 2. Evening. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] The Sun was sunk, and after him the Star Of Hesperus. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hesperus — late 14c., poetic for the evening star, from L. Hesperus, from Gk. hesperos (aster) western (star), from PIE *wes pero evening, night (see VESPER (Cf. vesper)). Hence also Hesperides (1590s), from Greek, daughters of the West, the nymphs… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Hesperus — [hes′pər əs] n. [L < Gr Hesperos: see HESPERIAN] the evening star, esp. Venus …   English World dictionary

  • Hesperus — In Greek mythology, Hesperus (Greek gr. Ἓσπερος Hesperos ) (Roman equivalent: Vesper cf. evening , supper , evening star , west [Collins Latin Dictionary plus Grammar, p. 231. ISBN 0 06 053690 X)] ), the Evening Star is the son of the dawn… …   Wikipedia

  • Hesperus, S. — S. Hesperus, M. (2. Mai). Der hl. Sclave Hesperus (nach dem Mart. Rom. Exuperius) litt mit seiner Ehefrau Boë und seinen Söhnen Cyriacus21 und Theodulus in der Stadt Attalia (nun Antalia) in Pamphylien. Die letztern, von den sorgsamen Eltern im… …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Hesperus — He|spe|rus auch: Hẹs|pe|rus 〈m.; ; unz.; grch. Myth.〉 = Hesperos * * * Hẹs|pe|ros, Hẹs|pe|rus, der; <meist o. Art.> [lat. Hesperus, Hesperos < griech. hésperos] (griech. Mythol.): der Abendstern. * * * Hẹs|pe|ros, Hẹs|pe|rus, der;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Hesperus — Venus Ve nus, n. [L. Venus, eris, the goddess of love, the planet Venus.] 1. (Class. Myth.) The goddess of beauty and love, that is, beauty or love deified. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) One of the planets, the second in order from the sun, its orbit …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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