
(as used in expressions)
Mawlana Nur al Din Abd al Rahman ibn Ahmad
Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Ahmad Khan Sir Sayyid
Ahmad Shah Durrani
Ahmad Sirhindi
Ahmad Yasawi
Ghulam Ahmad Mirza
Abu Muhammad Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Said ibn Hazm
Muhammad Ahmad ibn al Sayyid Abd Allah
Mutanabbi Abu al tayyib Ahmad ibn Husayn al
Abd al Wahhab ibn Ahmad
Ahsa'i Ahmad al
Shaykh Ahmad ibn Zayn al Din Ibrahim al Ahsai
Abu al Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd

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bey of Tunisia
in full  Aḥmad Ibn Muṣṭafa 
born 1806, Tunis
died 1855, Ḥalq al-Wādī, Tunisia

      10th ruler of the Ḥusaynid dynasty of Tunisia.

      Succeeding his brother as the ruler of Tunis in 1837, Aḥmad began at once to modernize his armed forces: Tunisian cadets were sent to France, a military and technical academy was established, and European instructors invited to Tunis. He organized a naval force with 12 frigates purchased from France. He sent 8,00010,000 soldiers to fight with the allies (France, England, Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire) against the Russians in the Crimean War (185356).

      Also active in internal reform, Aḥmad in 1841 abolished the sale of black slaves and in 1846 slavery altogether, and he removed many disabilities endured by the Jews. In Carthage he founded a hospital and, in 1845, Saint-Louis College, which was open to boys of all faiths and was the beginning of secular education in Tunisia. To pay for his reforms, he increased taxation, but this led to revolts in 1840, 1842, and 1843.

      Prior to his rule, Tunisia was nominally a part of the empire that was ruled by Ottoman (Ottoman Empire) Turks. Resisting their claims of sovereignty, he sought the help of France in order to assert his independence. In 1845 he was recognized by the Ottomans as an independent sovereign. He was succeeded in 1855 by his cousin Muḥammad, who reigned until 1859.

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