
Chin. /joh/, n. Pinyin.

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(as used in expressions)
Zhou Shuren

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▪ ruler of Shang dynasty
Wade-Giles romanization  Chou , also called  Zi Zhou , or  Dixin 
born early 11th century? BC, China
died 1046 BC, China

      last sovereign (c. 1075–46 BC) of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC), who, according to legend, lost his empire because of his extreme debauchery. To please his concubine, Daji, Zhou is said to have built a lake of wine around which naked men and women were forced to chase one another. His cruelty was such that the nearby forests were strung with human flesh. Moreover, he provoked the resentment of the people by levying taxes to build, over the course of seven years, the elaborate Deer Tower Palace. It was supposed to have been 600 feet (180 metres) high and a half mile (1 km) in circuit, with doors and chambers constructed of precious stones. When Wuwang, founder of the succeeding Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC), overthrew the Shang (or Yin, as the late part of the dynasty is also called), Zhou set fire to his palace and committed suicide by leaping into the flames.

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