
/joh/, n.
a dynasty in China, 1122?-256 B.C., marked by the division of China into separate feudal states and the emergence of important philosophical schools, esp. Confucianism and Taoism.
Also, Chow, Zhou.

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(as used in expressions)
Fu chou
Kuang chou
Kuei chou
Hang chou
Lu chou
Lan chou
Cheng chou
Chou kung
Chou k'ou tien
Lei chou Peninsula
Chou dynasty
Chou En lai

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emperor of later Shang dynasty
Pinyin  Zhou,  also called  Ti-hsin, or Ti-hsin-shou 
born c. 1154 BC, , China

died 1111, China
      last sovereign of the Shang, or Yin, dynasty (18th12th century BC), who, according to legend, lost his empire because of his extreme debauchery. To please his concubine, Ta-chi, Chou is said to have built a lake of wine around which naked men and women were forced to chase one another. His cruelty was such that the nearby forests were strung with human flesh. Moreover, he provoked the resentment of the people by levying taxes to build, over the course of seven years, the elaborate Deer Tower Palace. It was supposed to have been 600 feet high and a half mile in circuit, with doors and chambers constructed of precious stones. When Wu Wang, founder of the succeeding Chou dynasty (1111255 BC), overthrew the Shang, Chou set fire to his palace and committed suicide by leaping into the flames.

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  • chou — [ ʃu ] n. m. • chol, chouXIIe; lat. caulis 1 ♦ Plante sauvage ou cultivée (crucifères) à nombreuses variétés potagères. ⇒ brocoli; chou fleur, chou navet, chou rave, rutabaga, turnep. 2 ♦ Une des espèces comestibles, le chou cabus ou chou pommé… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • chou — 1. (chou) s. m. 1°   Plante potagère de la famille des crucifères. Chou cabus, chou pommé. •   L une voudra que tu plantes des choux ; L autre voudra que ce soient des carottes, LA FONT. Mazet.. •   Cet homme, disent ils, était planteur de choux… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • chou — CHOU. s. m. Sorte de légume qu on met ordinairement dans le pot. Choux blancs. choux rouges. choux de Milan. choux cabus. choux pommez. choux gelez. choux fleurs. semer des choux. planter des choux. On dit fig. d Un homme qui par ordre de la Cour …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Chou — may refer to: Zhou (disambiguation) Choux pastry CHOU (AM), a multicultural radio station (1450 AM) licensed to Montreal, Quebec, Canada See also Cho (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • Chou — Chou, n.; pl. {Choux}. [F., fr. L. caulis stalk.] 1. A cabbage. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. A kind of light pastry, usually in the form of a small round cake, and with a filling, as of jelly or cream. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 3. A bunch, knot, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chou — fashionable knot in a woman s dress or hat, 1883; earlier small, round, cream filled pastry (1706), from Fr. chou, lit. cabbage (12c.), from L. caulis cabbage, lit. stalk (see COLE (Cf. cole)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • chou — s.m.inv. ES fr. {{wmetafile0}} 1. TS gastr. piccolo bignè 2. TS sart. fiocco ornamentale molto elaborato {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1956. ETIMO: dal lat. caulis …   Dizionario italiano

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