
zebralike, zebraic /zi bray"ik/, adj.zebrine /zee"bruyn, -brin/, adj.
/zee"breuh/; Brit. also /zeb"reuh/, n., pl. zebras, (esp. collectively) zebra.
1. any of several horselike African mammals of the genus Equus, each species having a characteristic pattern of black or dark-brown stripes on a whitish background: all zebra species are threatened or endangered.
2. Also called zebra butterfly. a tropical butterfly, Heliconius charithonius, having black wings barred with yellow.
3. (cap.) a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter Z.
4. Football Slang. an official, who usually wears a black and white striped shirt.
[1590-1600; 1975-80 for def. 4; < Pg zebra, zebro the Iberian wild ass (Sp cebra), perh. < L equiferus (Pliny) kind of wild horse, equiv. to equi- (comb. form of equus horse) + ferus wild]

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Any of three species of black-and-white-striped equines that subsist almost entirely on grass.

Zebras stand 4755 in. (120140 cm) tall. The Burchell's zebra, or bonte quagga (Equus quagga), of eastern and southern African grasslands, has wide, widely spaced stripes. Grevy's zebra (E. grevyi), of arid areas in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, has narrow, closely spaced stripes and a white belly. The small mountain zebra (E. zebra), of dry upland plains in Namibia and western South Africa, has a gridlike pattern on the rump. Small zebra groups consisting of a stallion and several mares and foals may coalesce into large herds but retain their identity.

Burchell's zebra, or bonte quagga (Equus quagga)

Leonard Lee Rue III

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  any of three species of strikingly black-and-white-striped mammals of the horse family Equidae and genus Equus: Burchell's zebra, or bonte quagga (E. quagga; see photograph—>), found in rich grasslands over much of eastern and southern Africa; Grevy's zebra (E. grevyi), of arid, sparsely wooded areas in parts of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia; and the mountain zebra (E. zebra), of dry upland plains in Namibia and a few scattered areas in western South Africa.

      Zebras are horselike animals, standing about 120 to 140 cm (47 to 55 inches) at the shoulder. The species are easily distinguished by the pattern of stripes. These are individually wide and widely spaced in Burchell's zebra, some races of which have lightershadow stripesbetween the main stripes. The northern races of this species are more fully striped than the southern ones, in which the striping of the lower legs tends to give way to white. In the extinct quagga (E. q. quagga), the striping was confined to the head, neck, and forequarters, the back being solid brown. The stripes of Grevy's zebra are narrow and closely spaced, and the belly is white. The mountain zebra is small and has a peculiar gridlike pattern of stripes on the rump.

      Zebras live in small family groups consisting of a stallion and several mares with their foals. In Grevy's zebra the mares may form separate groups from the stallions. With plentiful food, small groups may coalesce into large herds, but the smaller groups retain their identities. Zebras often form mixed herds with antelopes, such as wildebeests, which gain protection from predators by the alertness of the zebras. Herds may migrate long distances to find suitable grasses on which to feed.

      All three zebra species have decreased in abundance through human activities, and the mountain zebra and Grevy's zebra are endangered. The readiness with which most zebras breed in captivity offers hope of maintaining reservoirs of zebras from which wild populations might be restored.

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