
/yah"neuh/, n., pl. Yanas, (esp. collectively) Yana for 1.
1. a member of a North American Indian people who once resided in the eastern portion of the upper Sacramento River valley in California.
2. the now extinct Hokan language of the Yana, best known for a systematic differentiation between men's and women's speech.

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      Hokan (Hokan languages)-speaking North American Indians formerly living along the eastern tributaries of the upper Sacramento River, from the Pit River to southwest of Lassen Peak, in what is now California. Traditional Yana territory comprised a myriad of foothills and narrow, rugged canyons, partly wooded but mostly brush-covered and rocky.

      Before colonization there were four Yana divisionsNorthern, Central, and Southern Yana, as well as Yahispeaking mutually intelligible dialects. A significant characteristic of Yana speech was its use of separate forms for men and women. The differences were small; but females used their word forms exclusively, whereas men used the male forms among themselves and the so-called female forms when addressing women.

      Life generally was very difficult in the harsh, barren environment. The Yana lived in earth-covered winter lodges and thatch-covered summer dwellings, hunted various game, and fished for salmon. Little is known of their social organization, except that it probably comprised small bands and contained classes or rankings. Before colonization the Yana had relatively frequent skirmishes with their neighbours, an unusual trait for California Indians.

      In 1864 the tribe was the victim of particularly brutal attacks by nearby miners. The miners launched an overt campaign of extermination, and over the course of several days they killed all but about 50 of the estimated 3,000 tribal members; the survivors subsequently avoided contact with Euro-Americans by living in isolated canyons. From 1911 until his death in 1916, the last known survivor of the Yahi band, Ishi, worked to record his memories of traditional culture with anthropologist A.L. Kroeber (Kroeber, A.L.).

      Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 100 Yana descendants.

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