
xylophonic /zuy'leuh fon"ik/, adj.xylophonist /zuy"leuh foh'nist, zuy lof"euh nist, zi-/, n.
/zuy"leuh fohn'/, n.
a musical instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, usually sounded by striking with small wooden hammers.
[1865-70; XYLO- + -PHONE]

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Percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned wooden bars that are struck with mallets.

Primitive xylophones may consist of logs of graded length laid across two supporting logs; a pit may be dug underneath to serve as a resonator. The xylophone has long been one of the principal instruments of African music; it is also important in the Indonesian gamelan. The marimba is a Latin American xylophone. In the modern orchestral xylophone, the bars are laid out on a stand in keyboard arrangement, with vertical resonating tubes suspended under each bar. See also glockenspiel; vibraphone.

African log amadinda xylophone; property of the Uganda Museum, Kampala


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 (from Greek xylon and phonē:woodandsound”), percussion instrument consisting of a set of graduated, tuned wooden bars supported at nodal (nonvibrating) points and struck with padded mallets.

      The xylophone possibly originated in Southeast Asia or Oceania and today exists in forms as simple as two or three logs laid across a player's legs or as wooden slabs set across two supports such as logs; a pit dug in the earth may act as a resonating chamber. Most often the wooden bars may be set on insulating material and pinned in place along two edges of a resonator box or suspended above it with cords. The Indonesian gambang is an example of the former and the Thai ranat family of the latter. Both styles are widespread in Southeast Asia, as are their designs in metallophones (metallophone) such as the saron and gender of Indonesia. Xylophones appeared by the 18th century in nearby China, but primarily they were used by Chinese colonies in the Southeast Asian countries, such as Vietnam. The simple mokkin xylophone found in the off-stage music of the Japanese Kabuki theatre may have come from the Chinese merchant colony of Southeast Asia or from their tea house ensembles in Nagasaki. Xylophones have not played a major role in East Asian music, however.

 In contrast, many forms of xylophones are found in Africa. Many African xylophones show similarities to those of Southeast Asia in tuning and construction, but questions of the influences of trade and migration are controversial. The amadinda is made of logs. Gourd resonators are often provided for each key, sometimes with a mirliton (vibrating membrane) set in the resonator wall, giving a buzzing edge to the tone. It is known in Latin America as a marimba (one of its African names) and was probably taken there by African slaves; xylophones with calabash resonators exist in the Bantu-language areas of Africa under the name marimba. Other common names for such instruments in West Africa are balo or balofon. Xylophones without resonators are equally common. They include so-called free-key xylophones in which the keys are simply placed over two logs or a pit. Examples of more complicated fixed-key versions are those in which the keys and resonators are fixed in an arc structure that the player holds to the front. While most keys on xylophones worldwide increase in pitch from left to right, there are African models in which the keys increase in pitch outward from the centre to accommodate the natural movements of the arms. Yet other instruments may place octaves next to each other and the lowest pitches to the right. The variety and musicality of African xylophones is impressive.

      The xylophone is first mentioned in Europe in 1511. Known as hölzernes Gelächter (“wooden percussion”) or Strohfiedel (“straw fiddle,” because the bars were supported on straw), it was long a Central European folk instrument, in which the bars extended away from the player instead of in a line across him. Carillonneurs in Flanders and the Netherlands often used a keyboard version as a practice instrument. About 1830 it became immensely popular through the concerts of the touring Polish virtuoso Michal Jozef Guzikov, who used the then commonfour-streetinstrument (having four staggered rows, tuned chromaticallyi.e., to a 12-note scale). It became a fashionable solo and garden concert instrument.

      In its 21st-century form the xylophone's keys are usually arranged in two rows, somewhat like piano keys, on a stand; to improve the tone, a hollow groove is cut along the underside of each plate. Although rosewood is the favourite choice for plates, synthetic materials can be used. Tube resonators may also be provided. The modern compass is either 4 octaves upward from middle C or 3 1/2 octaves from the F or G above middle C. Contemporary performers often use two sticks in each hand as the repertoire continues to become more complex. Works that use the xylophone prominently include Le Marteau sans maître (1954; The Hammer Without a Master) by Pierre Boulez (Boulez, Pierre), The Golden Age (1930) by Dmitry Shostakovich (Shostakovich, Dmitry), and the solo piece Fantasy on Japanese Wood Prints (1965) by Alan Hovhaness. Western metallophones related to the xylophone include the glockenspiel and vibraphone.

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