
/zan"theuhs/, n.
an ancient city of Lycia, in SW Asia Minor, near the mouth of the Xanthus River: site of archaeological remains.

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Ancient city of Lycia, Anatolia.

Situated near the mouth of the Xanthus River in southeastern Turkey, its ruins include a theatre, temples, and tombs. A number of pieces were taken for the British Museum. The ancient city was twice besieged and destroyed: in 540 BC by the Persians of the Achaemenian dynasty and in 42 BC by the Romans.

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also spelled  Xanthos,  modern  Kınıklı,  or  Kınık 
 principal city of ancient Lycia. The ruined city, situated on a cliff above the mouth of the Koca (Xanthus) River in what is now southwestern Turkey, was designated (along with the nearby Letoon religious centre) a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1988.

      The early history of Xanthus is unclear: although it is mentioned in early Lycian inscriptions, no Bronze Age remains have been found within the city. According to the Iliad, the Lycians, led by the hero Sarpedon, were the most prominent allies of Troy in the Trojan War. Xanthus reappears in the historical records of the 6th century BC as the principal city of Lycia. About 540 BC it was besieged by Harpagus, general of the Persian king Cyrus. The Lycians, forced within their walls, collected their wives and children and burned them, together with their slaves and treasure, under their acropolis; then, attacking the Persians, they died fighting to the last man.

  Soon rebuilt and repopulated, the city flourished from the 5th century BC to 42 BC, when, besieged by the Romans under the command of Brutus, it repeated its heroic defense. The site has well-preserved ruins of a theatre, temples, and other structures. The most remarkable ruins of the city are huge rock-cut pillar tombs; in the 19th century the British archaeologist Sir Charles Fellows sent reliefs and sections of the tombs to the British Museum, where they are exhibited today. Upon one of the remaining pillar tombs is the longest and most important of inscriptions in the Lycian language. Pop. (2000) 13,136.

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