
In·nu (ĭnʹo͞o) n. pl. Innu, also In·nus
A member of an Algonquian people comprising the Montagnais and Naskapi.
  [Montagnais, and Naskapi, people.]

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also called  Montagnais and Naskapi 

      North American Indian peoples who spoke almost identical Algonquian (Algonquian languages) dialects and whose cultures differed chiefly in their adaptation to their respective environments. The southern Innu, or Montagnais, traditionally occupied a large forested area paralleling the northern shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, lived in birch-bark wickiups (wickiup) or wigwams, and subsisted on moose, salmon, eel, and seal. The northern Innu, or Naskapi, lived on the vast Labrador plateau of grasslands and tundra, hunted caribou for both food and skins to cover their wickiups, and supplemented their diet with fish and small game. The name Montagnais is French, meaningmountaineers”; Naskapi is an indigenous name thought to meanrude, uncivilized people,” an apparent reference to their remote frontier life. The Naskapi called themselves Nenenot, meaningtrue, real people.” In the late 20th century the two closely related groups jointly adopted the name Innu (“people”).

      Innu people living to the south dressed in robes, loincloths or dresses, leggings, and moccasins, much like their southern neighboursand ancient enemiesthe Iroquois and Micmac (Mi'kmaq). More northerly Innu people wore tailored clothing similar to that of the coastal Eskimo, their only traditional foes. For both groups canoes furnished transportation in summer; snowshoes and dogsleds were used in winter. Religious belief involved animism and centred on manitou, or supernatural power, with much importance also attached to various nature and animal spirits, both evil and benevolent.

      Innu people avoided the creation of formal political structures; tribal organization comprised small bands of related families that often shifted in composition as individual leaders rose and fell. After the European colonization of the Americas began, the southern bands formalized their trapping and hunting territories somewhat in order to better engage in the fur trade. The northern territories were larger and more loosely defined.

      Population estimates indicated some 9,500 Innu descendants in the early 21st century.

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Universalium. 2010.

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