
/vees"bahd'n/, n.
the capital of Hesse in W Germany: health resort; mineral springs. 251,800.

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City (pop., 2002 est.: 271,276), capital of Hesse, southern Germany.

It is situated on the Rhine River. The Romans fortified it in the 1st century AD; it has been noted since then for its hot saline springs. Made an imperial city in 1241, it passed to the counts of Nassau in 1255. It was capital of the duchy of Nassau from 1806 to 1866, when it passed to Prussia. After World War I it was the seat of the Rhineland Commission under French and British occupation (191829). In 1946 Wiesbaden became the capital of the newly created state of Hesse. It was particularly noted for its spa in the 18th and 19th centuries, when it was frequented by Johann W. von Goethe, Johannes Brahms, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It continues to be a popular resort. It has printing firms, publishing houses, and film studios, and it is noted for its Sekt (sparkling wine).

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      city, capital of Hesse (Hessen) Land (state), southern Germany. It is situated on the right (east) bank of the Rhine River at the southern foot of the Taunus Mountains, west of Frankfurt am Main and north of Mainz. The settlement was known as a spa (Aquae Mattiacae) in Roman times. Its earthen fortifications (12 BC) were replaced by stone in AD 83, and a Roman wall (of which traces remain) was built about 370. The settlement subsequently became the site of a Franconian palace, and the name Wisibada (“Meadow Spring”) first appeared in 829. It was made a free imperial city in 1241, passed to the counts of Nassau in 1255, and became the capital of the principality of Nassau-Usingen in 1744. It was capital of the duchy of Nassau from 1806 until 1866, when it passed to Prussia; it then became capital of the district of Wiesbaden in Hesse-Nassau province. In 1946 Wiesbaden became the capital of the newly created Land of Hesse and incorporated Kastel, Amöneburg, and Kostheim (former right-bank suburbs of Mainz).

      Wiesbaden is a rail junction with varied industries. Important products include metal, concrete, electronics, machinery, transport equipment, and foodstuffs. There are also printing firms, publishing houses, and film studios. Wiesbaden is a wine centre, famous for its Sekt (German champagne). As a spa, Wiesbaden was especially famous in the 18th and 19th centuries, when it was frequented by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von), Johannes Brahms (Brahms, Johannes), and Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Dostoyevsky, Fyodor), as well as various royal families. Wiesbaden's more than two dozen hot saline springs and its mild climate, parklike setting, and other amenities continue to make it a popular resort and conference centre.

      Although Wiesbaden has a long history, few examples of old architecture survive, most from the Victorian period: the new town hall (1887), the Kaiser-Friedrich Baths (1913), the Greek Chapel (1855), and the castle (1840), which now houses the Land administration offices. The state theatre opened as an opera house and playhouse in 1894. The municipal museum houses an art gallery. Wiesbaden has various medical facilities, including a special rheumatism clinic and the German Diagnostic Clinic, and it is the headquarters of the Federal Statistical Office. The city also hosts an annual International Festival of Music, Ballet, and Drama (May) and is the site of a major U.S. military base. Pop. (2003 est.) 271,995.

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