
/toh"bit/, n.
1. a book of the Apocrypha.
2. a devout Jew whose story is recorded in this book.

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Main character in the Bible's apocryphal book of Tobit.

Tobit, a pious Jew living in exile in Nineveh, gives alms and buries the dead in accordance with Hebrew law but is struck blind in spite of his good works. Sarah, daughter of a close relative, has had seven husbands, each of whom was killed by a demon on their wedding night. The two pray for deliverance, and the angel Raphael intercedes for them. Tobit regains his sight, and Sarah marries Tobit's son Tobias. The book is an effort to reconcile the evil in the world with God's justice. See also Apocrypha.

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also called  The Book Of Tobias, 

      apocryphal work (noncanonical for Jews and Protestants) that found its way into the Roman Catholic canon via the Septuagint. A religious folktale and a Judaicized version of the story of the grateful dead, it relates how Tobit, a pious Jew exiled to Nineveh in Assyria, observed the precepts of Hebrew Law by giving alms and by burying the dead. In spite of his good works, Tobit was struck blind.

      Concurrent with Tobit's story is that of Sarah, daughter of Tobit's closest relative, whose seven successive husbands were each killed by a demon on their wedding night. When Tobit and Sarah pray to God for deliverance, God sends the angel Raphael to act as intercessor. Tobit regains his sight, and Sarah marries Tobit's son Tobias. The story closes with Tobit's song of thanksgiving and an account of his death.

      The book is primarily concerned with the problem of reconciling evil in the world with divine justice. Tobit and Sarah are pious Jews unaccountably afflicted by malevolent forces, but their faith is finally rewarded, and God is vindicated as both just and omnipotent. Other major themes are the need for Jews living outside Palestine to observe religious law strictly and the promise of the restoration of Israel as a nation.

      Historical inaccuracies, archaisms, and confused geographic references indicate that the book was not actually written at Nineveh in the early 7th century BC. Rather, its emphasis on the burial of the dead suggests it was written, possibly at Antioch, during the reign (175164 BC) of Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Syria, when Jews faithful to their religion were forbidden to bury their dead.

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Universalium. 2010.

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