
/verr"nee euhr/; Fr. /verdd nyay"/, n.
Pierre /pyerdd/, 1580-1637, French mathematician and inventor.

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Instrument for making very accurate linear or angular measurements.

Introduced in 1631 by Pierre Vernier (с 15801637), it uses two graduated scales: a main scale similar to that on a ruler, and a specially graduated scale, the vernier, that slides parallel to the main scale and enables readings to be made to a fraction of a division on the main scale.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • vernier — [ vɛrnje ] n. m. • 1774; nom de l inventeur (1580 1637) ♦ Instrument de mesure (⇒ calibre) formé de deux règles graduées, la plus grande fixe, l autre mobile, servant à la mesure précise des subdivisions d une échelle. Vernier circulaire, pour la …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Vernier — Ver ni*er, n. [So named after the inventor, Pierre Vernier.] A short scale made to slide along the divisions of a graduated instrument, as the limb of a sextant, or the scale of a barometer, for indicating parts of divisions. It is so graduated… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vernier — VERNIÉR, verniere, s.n. Scară gradată suplimentară trasată pe rigletă sau pe cursorul unor instrumente şi aparate de măsură, spre a mari precizia de măsurare a acestora. [pr.: ni er] – Din fr. vernier. Trimis de ana zecheru, 04.05.2004. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • Vernier — can refer to:*Persons **Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), a French mathematician and instrument inventor.*Places **Vernier, Switzerland, a municipality in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.*Things **Vernier scale, the scale used on measuring… …   Wikipedia

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  • vernier — [vʉr′nē ər, vʉr′nir] n. [after Pierre Vernier (1580 1637), Fr mathematician who invented it] 1. a short graduated scale that slides along a longer graduated instrument and is used to indicate fractional parts of divisions, as in a micrometer:… …   English World dictionary

  • Vernier — (spr. Werniëh, eigentlich Regillianus), Peter, geb. 1580 zu Ornans in Burgund; wurde spanischer Capitän, Gouverneur in Ornans, auch Rath u. Münzdirector in Burgund u. st. 1637 in Ornans Er schr De la construction, l usage et les propriétés du… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Vernier — (spr. wernjē), Pierre, Mathematiker, geb. 1580 zu Ornans in Burgund, gest. daselbst 14. Sept. 1637 als Münzdirektor, Kommandant des Schlosses Ornans und Rat des Königs von Spanien. Er schrieb: »La construction, l usage et les propriétés du… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Vernier — (spr. wärrnĭeh), Pierre, franz. Mathematiker, geb. 1580 zu Ornans, Generaldirektor der Münzen, gest. 14. Sept. 1637; Erfinder des Vernier oder Nonius (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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