- unite
—unitable, uniteable, adj. —uniter, n.v.t.1. to join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole or unit.2. to cause to adhere: to unite two pieces of wood with glue.3. to cause to be in a state of mutual sympathy, or to have a common opinion or attitude.4. to have or exhibit in union or combination: a person who unites generosity and forgiveness.5. to join in marriage.v.i.6. to become joined together or combined so as to form a single whole.7. to act in concert or agreement.8. to share a common opinion, attitude, etc.9. to be joined by or as if by adhesion.[1400-50; late ME uniten < L unitus, ptp. of unire to join together, unite, equiv. to un(us) one + -itus -ITE1]Syn. 1, 2. conjoin, couple, link, yoke, amalgamate, consolidate, weld, fuse, blend, merge. See join.unite2/yooh"nuyt, yooh nuyt"/, n.a former gold coin of England, equal to 20 shillings, issued under James I and Charles I.[1595-1605; n. use of earlier ptp. of UNITE1, referring to union of England and Scotland]
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Universalium. 2010.