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Hydroxy- — Hy*drox y (Chem.) A combining form, also used adjectively, indicating hydroxyl as an ingredient. [1913 Webster] {Hydroxy acid} (Chem.), an organic acid, having (besides the hydroxyl group of the carboxyl radical) an alcoholic hydroxyl group, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hydroxy — can refer to: * In chemical nomenclature, the prefix hydroxy shows the presence of a hydroxyl functional group ( OH) * An abbreviation for the medication hydroxyzine, which is commonly sold under the brand names Atarax, Ucerax, Serecid, and… … Wikipedia
hydroxy — hydroxy; mono·hydroxy; poly·hydroxy; … English syllables
hydroxy- — CHIM Préfixe indiquant la présence du radical hydroxyle OH. hydroxy ❖ ♦ Élément tiré de hydroxyle, servant à former des mots comp. de chimie, pour indiquer la présence du radical hydroxyle OH (ex. : hydroxycaféine n. f., hydroxycitrique adj.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hydroxy... — Hydroxy..., Bezeichnung der chemischen Nomenklatur, die bei organischen Verbindungen als Präfix das Vorliegen einer an ein Kohlenstoffatom gebundenen Hydroxylgruppe, OH, kennzeichnet; früher meist als Oxy... bezeichnet. (...ol) … Universal-Lexikon
hydroxy — [hī dräks′ē] adj. containing or related to hydroxyl … English World dictionary
hydroxy- — [hī dräks′ē, hī dräks′i, hī dräks′ə] combining form hydroxyl [hydroxybutyric acid]: also, before a vowel, prefix combining form hydrox … English World dictionary
hydroxy — adjective being or containing a hydroxyl group • Pertains to noun: ↑hydroxyl * * * (ˈ)hī|dräksē adjective Etymology: hydroxy : relating to or containing hydroxyl hydroxy molecule compare hydric 2 … Useful english dictionary
hydroxy- — hidroksi statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė HO– atitikmenys: angl. hydroxy ; hydroxyl rus. гидрокси ; гидроксил ryšiai: sinonimas – hidroksil sinonimas – hidroksilas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Hydroxy acid — Hydroxy Hy*drox y (Chem.) A combining form, also used adjectively, indicating hydroxyl as an ingredient. [1913 Webster] {Hydroxy acid} (Chem.), an organic acid, having (besides the hydroxyl group of the carboxyl radical) an alcoholic hydroxyl… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English