
/tooh"tooh/, n.
Desmond (Mpilo) /euhm pee"loh/, born 1931, South African Anglican clergyman and civil-rights activist: Nobel peace prize 1984; archbishop of Cape Town since 1986.

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 standard skirt worn by female ballet dancers, consisting of four or five layers of silk or nylon frills; the skirt is attached to a sleek-fitting bodice. (Originally tutu designated a short, trouserlike petticoat worn under a dancer's costume.) The prototype of the Romantic tutu, extending to within about 12 inches (30 cm) of the floor, was introduced in the 1830s by Marie Taglioni (Taglioni, Marie). The tutu gradually was shortened until, by the 1880s, the whole leg was visible. Both the Romantic and the brief tutu are worn in contemporary ballet.

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  • tutu — tutu …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • tutu — [ tyty ] n. m. • 1881; déform. enfantine de cucu « petit cul »; d ab. « caleçon collant » ♦ Jupe de gaze de diverses longueurs, portée par les danseuses de ballet classique. Des tutus. ● tutu nom masculin (altération de cucu, petit cul) Costume… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • tutu — TUTÚ, tutuuri, s.n. Costum de dans pentru balerine (în dansul clasic), făcut din mai multe fuste suprapuse scurte şi transparente. [pr.: tütü] – Din fr. tutu. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  tutu s. n. [pron. fr. tütü], art.… …   Dicționar Român

  • tutu — s. m. [Informal] Nádegas, geralmente de criança. = TRASEIRO   ‣ Etimologia: origem expressiva tutu s. m. Saia, geralmente de tule ou material afim, usada pelas bailarinas de balé clássico.   ‣ Etimologia: francês tutu tutu s. m. 1.  [Brasil] Ente …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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