
/trum"pi teuhr/, n.
1. a person who plays a trumpet; trumpet player.
2. a person who proclaims or announces something with a trumpet.
3. a soldier, usually in a mounted unit, whose duty is to sound the required trumpet calls.
4. a person who proclaims, commends, or extols something loudly or widely; eulogizer.
5. any of several large South American birds of the family Psophiidae, esp. Psophia crepitans, related to the cranes and rails, having a loud, harsh, prolonged cry.
7. one of a breed of domestic pigeons.
[1490-1500; TRUMPET + -ER1]

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also called  trumpet bird 

      any of three species of long-legged, round-bodied birds comprising the family Psophiidae (order Gruiformes). All are about 50 centimetres (20 inches) long, inhabit northern South America, and are named for their strident calls, uttered as they roam the jungle floor searching for berries and insects. Trumpeters are small-headed and thin-necked, with short, rounded wings, a short bill, and a characteristic hunched posture. Their plumage is dark, with lighter wing patches. Unwary, they are easily killed for their excellent flesh.

      The most widespread species is the common, or gray-winged, trumpeter (Psophia crepitans). The others are the pale-winged, or white-winged, trumpeter (P. leucoptera), and the dark-winged, or green-winged, trumpeter (P. viridis), of Brazil.

      The name trumpet bird is also applied to certain birds of paradise of the genera Manucodia and Phonygammus (see bird-of-paradise).

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