
triumpher, n.
/truy"euhmf, -umf/, n.
1. the act, fact, or condition of being victorious or triumphant; victory; conquest.
2. a significant success or noteworthy achievement; instance or occasion of victory.
3. exultation resulting from victory; joy over success.
4. Rom. Hist. the ceremonial entrance into Rome of a victorious commander with his army, spoils of war, and captives, authorized by the senate in honor of an important military or naval victory. Cf. ovation (def. 2).
5. a public pageant, spectacle, or the like.
6. to gain a victory; be victorious; win.
7. to gain mastery; prevail: to triumph over fear.
8. to be successful; achieve success.
9. to exult over victory; rejoice over success.
10. to be elated or glad; rejoice proudly; glory.
11. to celebrate a triumph, as a victorious Roman commander.
12. to conquer; triumph over.
[bef. 900; ME triumphe (n.), OE triumpha < L triump(h)us, perh. < Etruscan < Gk thríambos hymn to Dionysus]
Syn. 1. success. See victory. 3. jubilation, celebration. 6. succeed.
Ant. 1. defeat, loss.

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Ancient Roman ritual procession honouring a general who had won a major battle and killed at least 5,000 of the enemy.

Senators and magistrates were followed by sacrificial animals, captured loot, and captives in chains. The general, in a purple-and-gold tunic, rode in a chariot, holding a laurel branch in his right hand and an ivory sceptre in his left, while a slave held a golden crown over his head. Lastly came the soldiers, who sang songs. Under the empire only the emperor and members of his family celebrated triumphs.

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ancient Roman honour
Latin  triumphus  

      a ritual procession that was the highest honour bestowed upon a victorious general in the ancient Roman Republic; it was the summit of a Roman aristocrat's career. Triumphs were granted and paid for by the Senate and enacted in the city of Rome. The word probably came from the Greek thriambos, the name of a procession honouring the god Bacchus. To triumph in republican times a man was required to have been a magistrate cum imperio (holding supreme and independent command) who had won a major land or sea battle in the region considered his province, killing at least 5,000 of the enemy and ending the war. The ceremony began with a solemn procession from the Triumphal Gate in the Campus Martius to the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitol, passing through the forum and the Via Sacra (“Sacred Way”) along streets adorned with garlands and lined with people shouting, “Io triumphe.”

      The magistrates and members of the Senate came first in the processions followed by musicians, the sacrificial animals, the spoils of war, and the captured prisoners in chains. Riding in a chariot festooned with laurel, the victorious general (triumphator) wore the royal purple and gold tunic and toga, holding a laurel branch in his right hand and an ivory sceptre in his left. A slave held a golden crown over the general's head while repeatedly reminding him in the midst of his glory that he was a mortal man. The general's soldiers marched last, singing whatever they liked, which included ribaldry and scandal against their commander, probably as a way to avert the evil eye from him. On reaching the Capitoline temple the general presented his laurel, along with thank-offerings, to the image of Jupiter. The prisoners were usually slain, and the ceremony concluded with a feast for the magistrates and Senate.

      A general who did not earn a triumph might be granted an ovatio, in which he walked or rode on horseback, wearing the purple-bordered toga of an ordinary magistrate and a wreath of myrtle.

      In the last century of the Roman Republic the rules were sometimes bent. Pompey celebrated two triumphs without having held a regular magistracy, and Julius Caesar allowed two of his subordinates to triumph. Under the empire only the emperors or members of their families celebrated triumphs, because the generals commanded under their auspices as lieutenants (legati); the only honour the generals received was the right of wearing triumphal costume (ornamenta triumphalia) on festivals, and even these were cheapened and lost their military connections. There were still triumphs of Christian emperors (e.g., Honorius in 403), and the theme was revived in new and spectacular forms in Renaissance art.

also called  trump 

      16th-century card game ancestral to whist. In triomphe, the French variety known to English contemporaries as French ruff, each player received five cards, a trump was turned, and the aim was to win three or more tricks. From this derived écarté and five-card loo. In the English game (referred to by William Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William) in Antony and Cleopatra), each player received 12 cards, 4 went facedown as a widow, and the topmost of them was turned over for trump. Whoever held the trump ace could take the widow in exchange for any four discards, a process called ruffing. Later, bonuses were added for holding any of the top four trumps. This variety was called slamm or ruff and honours, which was subsequently transmogrified into whisk and swabbers (a complicated play on words), whence derived whisk and ultimately whist.

David Parlett

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