- Triton
—Tritonic /truy ton"ik/, adj./truyt"n/, n.1. Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, represented as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish, and as using a conch-shell trumpet.2. Astron. a moon of Neptune.3. (l.c.) any of various marine gastropods of the family Cymatiidae, having a large, spiral, often beautifully colored shell.4. (l.c.) the shell of a triton.
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IHe was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. According to Hesiod, Triton lived in a golden palace in the depths of the sea. He was represented as human down to the waist, which tapered into a fish tail, and he had a spiral conch shell that he blew to calm or raise the waves. Some traditions held that there were many Tritons.IIIts diameter is about 1,680 mi (2,700 km), somewhat less than that of Earth's Moon. Triton moves in a retrograde orbit, opposite the direction of Neptune's rotation, with a period of 5.9 Earth days, while keeping the same face toward Neptune. It has a very thin atmosphere of nitrogen and methane and a surface temperature of -400 °F (-240 °C). Its surface is covered with enormous expanses of ice sculpted with fissures, puckers, and ridge-crossed depressions and pitted by what appear to be a few meteorite craters. Plumes of gas observed by the Voyager 2 spacecraft may be gas venting through fissures when the surface is warmed by sunlight.* * *
in Greek mythology, a merman, demigod of the sea; he was the son of the sea god, Poseidon, and his wife, Amphitrite. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea. Sometimes he was not particularized but was one of many Tritons. He was represented as human down to his waist, with the tail of a fish. Triton's special attribute was a twisted seashell, on which he blew to calm or raise the waves.largest of Neptune's moons, whose unusual orbital characteristics suggest that it formed elsewhere in the solar system and was later captured by Neptune. It was discovered by the English astronomer William Lassell (Lassell, William) in October 1846, only a few weeks after the discovery of Neptune itself. Triton was named after a merman in Greek mythology who was the son of the sea god Poseidon (the Roman god Neptune).Moons of NeptuneTriton is unique among the large moons of the solar system in that it moves in a retrograde orbit—i.e., one that is opposite the direction of Neptune's rotation. Its mean orbital distance is about 354,800 km (220,500 miles) from the planet. Also unusual for a large moon is Triton's orbital inclination—the plane of its orbit is tilted more than 157° to Neptune's equator. Triton rotates once on its axis every 5.877 days, which is the same time that it takes to revolve around Neptune. As a result of this synchronous rotation, the moon always keeps the same face toward Neptune and leads with the same face in its orbit. Each of Triton's seasons, like those of Neptune, lasts nearly 41 years, or one-fourth of Neptune's orbital period. Triton's orbital tilt and its axial tilt of 30° with respect to Neptune's orbit combine in such a way that the moon's poles alternately point toward the Sun, much like the case of Uranus. (For comparative data about Triton and other Neptunian satellites, see the table (Moons of Neptune).)Little was known about Triton until 1989, when the U.S. Voyager 2 probe flew within 40,000 km (24,800 miles) of it. As measured by Voyager, Triton is about 2,706 km (1,681 miles) across, which is nearly the diameter of Earth's Moon. Pre-Voyager estimates of Triton's size made from Earth had been based on an erroneously high mass determination and an assumption of low surface reflectivity. Triton's mass is now known to be only a small fraction of the previously accepted value and its surface to be icy (ice) and highly reflective, in contrast to the Moon's dark surface, which is devoid of water and other volatile components (with the exception of what is interpreted as water ice on the floors of craters near its poles). Triton's low mass is likely a consequence of a predominantly water-ice interior surrounding a denser rocky core. Nevertheless, its mean density of 2.06 grams per cubic cm is higher than that measured for any of the satellites of Saturn or Uranus and is surpassed among large satellites only by the Moon and Jupiter's Io and Europa.Triton's visible surface is covered by methane and nitrogen ices. Spectroscopic studies from Earth also reveal evidence of trace amounts of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ices. Even at the remarkably low surface temperature of 38 K (−390 °F, −235 °C) measured by Voyager, a sufficient amount of frozen nitrogen sublimes (passes from a solid directly to a gas) to form a tenuous atmosphere having a near-surface pressure less than 0.00002 bar. During the Voyager flyby, a polar ice cap presumably composed of nitrogen ice deposited the prior winter covered most of Triton's southern hemisphere. At that time Triton was nearly three-fourths of the way through its 41-year southern springtime. Equatorward of the polar cap, much of the terrain had the appearance of a cantaloupe rind, consisting of dimples crisscrossed with a network of fractures.Within the polar cap region, numerous darker streaks provide evidence of surface winds. At least two of the streaks, and perhaps dozens, are the result of active geyserlike plumes seen erupting during the Voyager 2 flyby. Nitrogen gas, escaping through vents in the overlying ice, carries entrained dust particles to heights of about 8 km (5 miles), where the dust is then transported downwind as far as 150 km (90 miles). The energy sources and mechanisms for driving these plumes are not yet well understood, but their preference for latitudes illuminated vertically by the Sun has led to the conclusion that incident sunlight is an important factor.Near the equator on the Neptune-facing side of Triton exist at least two, and perhaps several, frozen lakelike features with terraced edges. The terracing is probably the result of multiple epochs of melting, each successive melt involving a somewhat smaller patch of ice. Some of the terrace cliffs rise more than 1 km (0.6 mile) high. Even at Triton's low surface temperature, nitrogen or methane ice is not strong enough to support structures of that height without slumping. Scientists assume that the underlying material in these structures is water ice, which is much more rocklike at low temperatures, although no direct evidence for it is seen in Triton's spectra. A thin veneer of nitrogen or methane ice could effectively hide the spectral signature of water ice.Triton is similar in size, density, and surface composition to the dwarf planet Pluto. It is thought to be a captured object that perhaps originally formed, like Pluto, as an independent icy planetesimal in the outer solar system. At some point in Neptune's early history, Triton's orbit around the Sun may have carried it too near the giant planet. Gas drag in Neptune's extended atmosphere or a collision with an existing moon of Neptune slowed Triton enough to place it in an elongated orbit, which was also retrograde and highly inclined. Tidal (tide) interactions between Triton and Neptune—cyclic deformations in each body caused by the gravitational attraction of the other—selectively retarded Triton in the closer portions of its orbit, eventually circularizing its path around Neptune. The process from capture to circular orbit may have taken more than one billion years, during which time the enormous tidal deformations experienced by Triton most likely melted its entire interior. The molten body would have undergone differentiation, the denser material sinking into a core region and the more-volatile materials rising to the surface.It is thought that Triton's surface cooled faster than its interior and formed a thick outer layer of predominantly water ice. As subsurface water subsequently froze, it expanded, fracturing the outer ice layer and flowing through and filling the cracks. The intersecting fractures visible in Voyager images of Triton's surface provide strong corroborating evidence for the existence of water ice inside this moon, since no other candidates for Triton's subsurface composition expand as they freeze.Ellis D. MinerU.S. nuclear-powered submarine that was the first vessel to circumnavigate the globe underwater. At the time of its launch in August 1958, the Triton was the largest and most powerfully engined submarine. Its two nuclear reactors gave the ship a speed of 30 knots (nautical miles per hour) and a range of about 110,000 miles (180,000 km) without refueling. It was 447.5 feet (136 m) long and displaced 5,900 tons. The Triton completed its circumnavigation on May 10, 1960. The submarine was decommissioned in 1969 and laid up at Norfolk, Va.* * *
Universalium. 2010.