- Trimurti
/tri moor"tee/, n.(in later Hinduism) a trinity consisting of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer.[1800-10; < Skt trimurti, equiv. to tri THREE + murti shape]
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Scholars consider the trimurti doctrine an attempt to reconcile different monotheistic approaches with one another and with the philosophic doctrine of ultimate reality. In trimurti symbolism, the three gods are collapsed into a single form with three faces. Each god is in charge of an aspect of creation, with Brahma as creator, Vishnu as preserver, and Shiva as destroyer; however, some sects ascribe all aspects of creation to their deity of choice. Though sometimes called the Hindu Trinity, trimurti has little similarity to the Holy Trinity of Christianity.* * *
▪ Hinduismin Hinduism, triad of the three great gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Scholars consider the doctrine of the trimurti to be an attempt to reconcile different approaches to the divine with each other and with the philosophical doctrine of ultimate reality ( brahma). The doctrine was given classical expression in Kalidasa (Kālidāsa)'s poem Kumarasambhava (“Birth of the War God”; c. 4th–5th century CE). In trimurti symbolism, the three gods are collapsed into a single form with three faces. Each god is in charge of one aspect of creation, with Brahma as creator, Vishnu as preserver, and Shiva as destroyer.* * *
Universalium. 2010.