
/trear/, n.
a city in W Germany, on the Moselle River: extensive Roman ruins; cathedral. 93,472. Also called Treves. French, Trèves.

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French  Trèves , Latin  Augusta Treverorum 
 city, Rhineland-Palatinate Land (state), southwestern Germany. It lies on the right bank of the Moselle (Mosel) River (Moselle River), surrounded by the foothills of the Eifel, Hunsrück, and Mosel mountains, just east of the border with Luxembourg. A shrine of the Treveri, a Germanic tribe, existed at the site (c. 400 BC). The Roman town was founded by the emperor Augustus about 15 BC. The city's strategic position at a crossroads contributed to its rapid rise as a commercial and administrative centre; it was the capital of the Belgic division of Roman Gaul in the 2nd century AD, an imperial seat in the 3rd century, and later, as Treveris, the seat of the emperor responsible for Gaul and Britain. After it became a bishopric in the 4th century, the town was a centre of Christianity north of the Alps, a status it maintained after its capture by the Franks in the 5th century. Trier was designated an archbishopric in 815, its archbishops becoming temporal princes with power over extensive territory; they were made electors of the Holy Roman Empire in the late 12th century.

      Trier flourished as a commercial and cultural centre with a university (14731797) until French encroachments led to its decline in the 17th century. It was occupied by the French in 1797 and was formally ceded to France in 1801, when the electorate was dissolved. Trier passed to Prussia in 1815, and the bishopric was reconstituted in 1821. The city grew rapidly in the 19th century but suffered French occupation again after World War I and was considerably damaged in World War II. It revived as a commercial and cultural centre after 1946 and was rebuilt.

      Trier serves as a hub for road, rail, and water traffic on the western border of Germany. It is the trade centre for the surrounding region, especially for wines, and it is also an important tourist destination. Diversified industries include the manufacture of beer, food products, textiles, and precision instruments.

      Trier has preserved more Roman monuments than any other German city. They include the 4th-century Porta Nigra, a fortified town gate; ruins of 4th-century Roman baths and substructures of baths from the 2nd century; the amphitheatre (c. AD 100); and the basilica, with the throne room of the Roman emperors, and the nucleus of the cathedral, both from the 4th century. Both the Porta Nigra and the basilica were converted into churches in the Middle Ages but have since been restored. The cathedral, largely Romanesque, was rebuilt in about 550 and extended in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. Other notable churches include the Church of Our Lady (123570); the Church of St. Gangolf (13th to 15th century); the Abbey Church of St. Matthias (112760), with the tomb of the saint; and the Baroque Church of St. Paulin (173457), designed by Balthasar Neumann (Neumann, Balthasar). Trier's Roman monuments, the cathedral, and the Church of Our Lady were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986. Civic monuments include the Market Cross from 958 and the Petersbrunnen (Peter's Fountain; 1595), both in the market square; nearby are the Kesselstatt Palace (174045) and the Electoral Palace (1614). The Catholic theological faculty, part of the university founded in 1473, was refounded in 1950.

      The city is the seat of the University of Trier (founded 1970 as part of the Trier-Kaiserslautern University; became autonomous in 1975). It also contains the Rhineland Museum, which features sculptures and prehistoric, Roman, and Frankish art. Trier is the birthplace of St. Ambrose (Ambrose, Saint) (c. AD 339), who converted and baptized St. Augustine (Augustine, Saint), and of Karl Marx (Marx, Karl) (1818), the German political philosopher and socialist. Pop. (2003 est.) 100,180.

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