Ambrose, Saint

Ambrose, Saint
born 339, Augusta Treverorum, Belgica, Gaul
died 397, Milan; feast day December 7

Bishop of Milan.

Raised in Rome, he became a Roman provincial governor. As a compromise candidate he was unexpectedly elevated from unbaptized layman to bishop of Milan in 374. He established the medieval concept of the Christian emperor as subject to episcopal advice and censure when he forced the emperor Theodosius to seek forgiveness from the bishop, and he opposed tolerance for adherents of Arianism. He wrote theological treatises influenced by Greek philosophy, including On the Holy Spirit and On the Duties of Ministers, as well as a series of hymns. His brilliant sermons and personal example converted St. Augustine.

St. Ambrose, detail of a fresco by Pinturicchio, 1480s; in Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.

Art Resource/EB Inc.

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bishop of Milan
Latin  Ambrosius 
born AD 339, , Augusta Treverorum, Belgica, Gaul
died 397, Milan; feast day December 7
 bishop of Milan, biblical critic, and initiator of ideas that provided a model for medieval conceptions of churchstate relations. His literary works have been acclaimed as masterpieces of Latin eloquence, and his musical accomplishments are remembered in his hymns. Ambrose is also remembered as the teacher who converted and baptized St. Augustine of Hippo, the great Christian theologian, and as a model bishop who viewed the church as rising above the ruins of the Roman Empire.

Early career.
      Though Ambrose, the second son of the prefect (imperial viceroy) of Gaul, was born in the official residence at Augusta Treverorum (Trier), his father died soon afterward, and Ambrose was reared in Rome, in a palace frequented by the clergy, by his widowed mother and his elder sister Marcellina, a nun. Duly promoted to the governorship of Aemilia-Liguria in c. 370, he lived at Milan and was unexpectedly acclaimed as their bishop by the people of the city in 374.

      Ambrose, a popular outsider, chosen as a compromise candidate to avoid a disputed election, changed from an unbaptized layman to a bishop in eight days. Coming from a well-connected but obscure senatorial family, Ambrose could be ignored as a provincial governor; as bishop of Milan he was able to dominate the cultural and political life of his age.

Ecclesiastical administrative accomplishments.
      An imperial court frequently sat in Milan. In confrontations with this court, Ambrose showed a directness that combined the republican ideal of the prerogatives of a Roman senator with a sinister vein of demagoguery. In 384 he secured the rejection of an appeal for tolerance by pagan members of the Roman senate, whose spokesman, Quintus Aurelius Symmachus (Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius Memmius Eusebius), was his relative (Letters 17, 18). In 385386 he refused to surrender a church for the use of Arian heretics. In 388 he rebuked the emperor Theodosius (Theodosius I) for having punished a bishop who had burnt a Jewish synagogue. In 390 he imposed public penance on Theodosius for having punished a riot in Thessalonica by a massacre of its citizens. These unprecedented interventions were palliated by Ambrose's loyalty and resourcefulness as a diplomat, notably in 383 and 386 by his official visits to the usurper Maximus at Trier. In his letters and in his funeral orations on the emperors Valentinian II and TheodosiusDe obitu Valentiniani consolatio (392) and De obitu Theodosii (395)—Ambrose established the medieval concept of a Christian emperor as a dutiful son of the churchserving under orders from Christ,” and so subject to the advice and strictures of his bishop.

Literary and musical accomplishments.
      Ambrose's relations with the emperors formed only part of his commanding position among the lay governing class of Italy. He rapidly absorbed the most up-to-date Greek learning, Christian and pagan alikenotably the works of Philo, Origen, and St. Basil of Caesarea and of the pagan Neoplatonist Plotinus. This learning he used in sermons expounding the Bible and, especially, in defending thespiritualmeaning of the Old Testament by erudite philosophical allegorynotably in the Hexaëmeron (“On the Six Days of Creation”) and in sermons on the patriarchs (of which De Isaac et anima [“On Isaac and the Soul”] and De bono mortis [“On the Goodness of Death”] betray a deep acquaintance with Neoplatonic (Neoplatonism) mystical language). Sermons, the dating of which unfortunately remains uncertain, were Ambrose's main literary output. They were acclaimed as masterpieces of Latin eloquence, and they remain a quarry for students of the transmission of Greek philosophy and theology in the West. By such sermons Ambrose gained his most notable convert, Augustine (Augustine, Saint), afterward bishop of Hippo in North Africa and destined, like Ambrose, to be revered as a doctor (teacher) of the church. Augustine went to Milan as a skeptical professor of rhetoric in 384; when he left, in 388, he had been baptized by Ambrose and was indebted to Ambrose's Catholic Neoplatonism, which provided a philosophical base that eventually transformed Christian theology.

      Ambrose provided educated Latins with an impeccably classical version of Christianity. His work on the moral obligations of the clergy, De officiis ministrorum (386), is skillfully modelled on Cicero's De officiis. He sought to replace the heroes of Rome with Old Testament saints as models of behaviour for a Christianized aristocracy. By letters, visitations, and nominations he strengthened this aristocratic Christianity in the northern Italian towns that he had once ruled as a Roman governor.

      In Milan, Ambrosebewitchedthe populace by introducing new Eastern melodies and by composing beautiful hymns, notablyAeterne rerum Conditor” (“Framer of the earth and sky”) andDeus Creator omnium” (“Maker of all things, God most high”). He spared no pains in instructing candidates for Baptism. He denounced social abuses (notably in the sermons De Nabuthe [“On Naboth”]) and frequently secured pardon for condemned men. He advocated the most austere asceticism: (asceticism) noble families were reluctant to let their marriageable daughters attend the sermons in which he urged upon them the crowning virtue of virginity.

Evaluations and interpretations.
      Ambrose's reputation after his death was unchallenged. For Augustine, he was the model bishop: a biography was written in 412 by Paulinus, deacon of Milan, at Augustine's instigation. To Augustine's opponent, Pelagius, Ambrose wasthe flower of Latin eloquence.” Of his sermons, the Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam (390; “Exposition of the Gospel According to Luke”) was widely circulated.

      Yet, Ambrose is a Janus-like figure. He imposed his will on emperors. But he never considered himself as a precursor of a polity in which the church dominated the state: for he acted from a traditional fear that Christianity might yet be eclipsed by a pagan nobility and Catholicism uprooted in Milan by Arian courtiers. His attitude to the learning he used was similarly old-fashioned. Pagans and heretics, he said, “dyed their impieties in the vats of philosophy”; yet his sermons betray the pagan mysticism of Plotinus in its most unmuted tints. In a near-contemporary mosaic in the chapel of S. Satiro in the church of S. Ambrogio, Milan, Ambrose appears as he wished to be seen: a simple Christian bishop clasping the book of Gospels. Yet the manner in which he set about his duties as a bishop ensured that, to use his own image, the Catholic Church would riselike a growing moonabove the ruins of the Roman Empire.

Peter R.L. Brown

Additional Reading

Collected editions
The edition of the complete works given in J.P. Migne (ed.), Patrologia Latina, vol. 1417 (1845), is gradually being superseded by that of theCorpus Christianorum Series,” Sancti Ambrosii Mediolanensis Opera (1957– ). English translations of Ambrose's letters and various works are given in vol. 26, 42, and 44 (195463; reprinted with corrections, 1967), in the seriesThe Fathers of the Church.”

The contemporary biography, written by Ambrose's former secretary, Paulinus of Milan, was edited by Michele Pellegrino as Paolina de Milano, Vita di S. Ambrogio (1961). The most comprehensive biography is F. Homes-Dudden, The Life and Times of St. Ambrose, 2 vol. (1935). A shorter account is Angelo Paredi, S. Ambrogio e la sua età, 2nd ed. (1960; Saint Ambrose: His Life and Times, 1964). Neil B. McLynn, Ambrose of Milan (1994); and Daniel H. Williams, Ambrose and the End of the Nicene-Arian Conflicts (1995), are valuable studies.

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