- Tommy Atkins
1. any private of the British army.2. one of the rank and file of any organization or group.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Tommy Atkins — (often just Tommy) is a term for a common soldier in the British Army that was already well established in the nineteenth century, but is particularly associated with World War I. German soldiers would call out to Tommy across no man s land if… … Wikipedia
Tommy Atkins — Tommy Atkins, in England neuerdings besonders durch Rudyard Kiplings Gedichte (»Barrack room ballads«) und Erzählungen volkstümlich gewordener Spitzname für den gemeinen (Fuß ) Soldaten. Der Name entstammt den in der ersten Hälfte des vorigen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Tommy Atkins — (ou plus simplement Tommy) est le terme générique désignant un soldat de l armée britannique. Déjà connu au XIXe siècle, il est particulièrement associé aux troupes ayant combattu dans les tranchées de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le terme… … Wikipédia en Français
Tommy Atkins — Tom my At kins, prop. n. Any white regular soldier of the British army; also, such soldiers collectively; said to be fictitious name inserted in the models given to soldiers to guide them in filling out account blanks, etc. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tommy Atkins — Tommy Atkins, volkstümliche Bezeichnung für den engl. gemeinen Soldaten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
tommy atkins — ˈatkə̇nz noun (plural tommy atkins) Usage: usually capitalized T&A Etymology: from Thomas Atkins, fictitious name used as model in official blank forms for private soldiers : a white soldier of the British Army; collectively : such soldiers * * * … Useful english dictionary
Tommy Atkins (mango) — Tommy Atkins is the most important mango cultivar in global tradeFact|date=February 2007. Although generally not considered to be the best in terms of sweetness and flavor, it is valued for its long shelf life and tolerance of handling and… … Wikipedia
Tommy Atkins — Tommy war bis in die Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg eine auch im deutschen Sprachraum weit verbreitete Bezeichnung für einen britischen Soldaten. Laut Peter Wende, emeritierter Professor für Neuere Geschichte an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tommy Atkins — /tɒmi ˈætkənz/ (say tomee atkuhnz) noun 1. any private of the British Army. 2. the rank and file collectively. {a familiar name for the typical British soldier, arising out of the use of the name Thomas Atkins in specimen forms given in official… …
Tommy Atkins — noun Date: 1883 Tommy … New Collegiate Dictionary