
/tlah lohk"/, n.
the Aztec god of rain.
[ < MexSp Tláloc < Nahuatl Tlaloc, equiv. to tlal(li) earth, land + oc lies, is stretched out]

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Aztec rain god, highly revered and feared for his ability to bestow or withhold prosperity.

Five of the 18 months of the ritual year were dedicated to him, and children were sacrificed to him during two of the months. He could send out rain, provoke drought and hunger, and cause lightning and hurricanes. Dropsy, leprosy, and rheumatism were said to be caused by Tlaloc and his fellow deities. Those who died of such illnesses, or who had been killed by lightning, were granted an eternal and blissful life in his paradise, Tlalocan.

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Aztec god
NahuatlHe Who Makes Things Sprout

      Aztec rain god. Representations of a rain god wearing a peculiar mask, with large round eyes and long fangs, date at least to the Teotihuacán culture of the highlands (3rd to 8th century AD). His characteristic features were strikingly similar to those of the Maya rain god Chac of the same period.

      During Aztec times (14th to 16th century), Tlaloc's cult was apparently considered extremely important and had spread throughout Mexico. In the divinatory calendars, Tlaloc was the eighth ruler of the days and the ninth lord of the nights.

      Five months of the 18-month ritual year were dedicated to Tlaloc and to his fellow deities, the Tlaloque, who were believed to dwell on the mountaintops. Children were sacrificed to Tlaloc on the first month, Atlcaualo, and on the third, Tozoztontli. During the sixth month, Etzalqualiztli, the rain priests ceremonially bathed in the lake; they imitated the cries of waterfowls and used magicfog rattles” (ayauhchicauaztli) in order to obtain rain. The 13th month, Tepeilhuitl, was dedicated to the mountain Tlaloque; small idols made of amaranth paste were ritually killed and eaten. A similar rite was held on the 16th month, Atemoztli.

      Tlaloc had been one of the main deities of the agricultural tribes of central Mexico for many centuries, until the warlike northern tribes invaded that part of the country, bringing with them the astral cults of the sun ( Huitzilopochtli) and the starry night sky (Tezcatlipoca). Aztec syncretism placed both Huitzilipochtli and Tlaloc at the head of the pantheon. The Teocalli (Great Temple) at Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital, supported on its lofty pyramid two sanctuaries of equal size: one, dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, was painted in white and red, and the other, dedicated to Tlaloc, was painted in white and blue. The rain god's high priest, the Quetzalcóatl Tlaloc Tlamacazqui (Feathered Serpent, Priest of Tlaloc) ruled with a title and rank equal to that of the sun god's high priest.

      Tlaloc was not only highly revered, but he was also greatly feared. He could send out the rain or provoke drought and hunger. He hurled the lightning upon the earth and unleashed the devastating hurricanes. The Tlaloque, it was believed, could send down to the earth different kinds of rain, beneficent or crop-destroying. Certain illnesses, such as dropsy, leprosy, and rheumatism, were said to be caused by Tlaloc and his fellow deities. Although the dead were generally cremated, those who had died from one of the special illnesses or who had drowned or who had been struck by lightning were buried. Tlaloc bestowed on them an eternal and blissful life in his paradise, Tlalocan.

      Associated with Tlaloc was his companion Chalchiuhtlicue (“She Who Wears a Jade Skirt”), also called Matlalcueye (“She Who Wears a Green Skirt”), the goddess of freshwater lakes and streams.

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Universalium. 2010.

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