
/teuh lah"pee euh, -lay"-/, n.
any freshwater cichlid of the genus Tilapia, of African waters: an important food fish.
[ < NL (1849); ulterior orig. uncert.]

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Any of numerous, mostly freshwater, fish species (genus Tilapia, family Cichlidae), native to Africa.

They resemble North American sunfishes; one species grows to 20 lbs (9 kg). Tilapia species are easy to raise and harvest for food; they grow rapidly, resist disease, and eat readily abundant algae and zooplankton. They have been used in warm-water aquaculture systems since the early Egyptian civilization and have been introduced into many freshwater habitats. See also cichlid.

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fish genus
      common name used for certain species of fishes belonging to the family Cichlidae (order Perciformes), represented by numerous, mostly freshwater species native to Africa. Tilapias are perhaps best known because of their potential as an easily raised and harvested food fish. Their commercial advantages include fast growth, resistance to disease, and a diet of readily abundant algae and zooplankton. The use of tilapias in warm-water aquaculture systems dates back to the early Egyptian civilization. They have since been introduced into freshwater habitats in many warm parts of the world. The most widely cultured and introduced species is Oreochromis niloticus.

      All tilapias were formerly part of the genus Tilapia; however, the group is now divided into mouth-brooding genera (Sarotherodon and Oreochromis) and those that deposit eggs on the bottoms of ponds and lakes (Tilapia).

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