- Thomas
/tom"euhs/ for 1, 2, 4-14; /taw mah"/ for 3, n.1. an apostle who demanded proof of Christ's Resurrection. John 20:24-29.6. George Henry, 1816-70, Union general in the U.S. Civil War.9. Martha Carey, 1857-1935, U.S. educator and women's-rights advocate.13. William Isaac, 1863-1947, U.S. sociologist.15. a male given name: from an Aramaic word meaning "twin."
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(as used in expressions)Adès ThomasAffleck ThomasAldrich Thomas BaileyAllbutt Sir Thomas CliffordAquinas Saint ThomasArne Thomas AugustineArnold ThomasBayard Thomas FrancisBecket Saint ThomasBeecham Sir ThomasJames Thomas BellBenton Thomas HartBewick ThomasBlanchard ThomasBooth Edwin ThomasBoulsover ThomasBowdler ThomasBradley ThomasBrowne Sir ThomasCardigan James Thomas Brudenell 7th earl ofCarlyle ThomasCech Thomas RobertChatterton ThomasChippendale ThomasThomas ClancyThomas CampbellCole ThomasThomas ConneryConway ThomasCook ThomasCosgrave William ThomasCranmer ThomasCromwell Thomas earl of EssexThomas Cruise Mapother IVde Colmar Charles Xavier ThomasDe La Warr Thomas West 12th BaronDe Quincey ThomasDewey Thomas EdmundDongan Thomas 2nd earl of LimerickDorr Thomas WilsonDorsey Thomas AndrewThomas DorseyThomas Clement DouglasEakins ThomasEdison Thomas AlvaEliot Thomas StearnsErskine of Restormel Thomas Erskine 1st BaronFairfax of Cameron Thomas Fairfax 3rd BaronFarrell James ThomasGaddis William ThomasGainsborough ThomasGallaudet Thomas HopkinsGermain ThomasGray ThomasHaliburton Thomas ChandlerHardy ThomasHendricks Thomas AndrewsHobbes ThomasHooker ThomasHutchinson ThomasHuxley Thomas HenryJackson Charles ThomasJefferson ThomasKuhn Thomas SamuelKyd ThomasLawrence Thomas EdwardLinacre ThomasLipton Sir Thomas JohnstoneLittleton Sir ThomasLombardi Vincent ThomasMacaulay Thomas Babington Baron Macaulay of RothleyMacdonough ThomasMalory Sir ThomasMalthus Thomas RobertMann ThomasMarshall Thomas RileyThomas Joseph MboyaMerton ThomasMiddleton ThomasMidgley Thomas Jr.John Thomas MinerThomas Hezikiah MixMoore ThomasMore Saint ThomasMorgan Thomas HuntMorley ThomasMudge ThomasMuggeridge Malcolm ThomasMüntzer ThomasThomas MunzerNashe ThomasNast ThomasNewcastle under Lyme Thomas Pelham Holles 1st duke ofNewcomen ThomasNorfolk Thomas Howard 2nd duke ofNorfolk Thomas Howard 3rd duke ofNorfolk Thomas Howard 4th duke ofOtway ThomasPaine ThomasPeacock Thomas LovePendergast Thomas JosephPinckney ThomasPride Sir ThomasPynchon ThomasQuiller Couch Sir Arthur ThomasRaffles Sir Thomas StamfordRapier James ThomasReed Thomas BrackettReid ThomasRietveld Gerrit ThomasRowlandson ThomasRymer ThomasSackville Thomas 1st earl of DorsetSampson William ThomasShadwell ThomasSheraton ThomasSopwith Sir Thomas Octave MurdochSouthampton Thomas Wriothesley 1st earl ofStaubach Roger ThomasStrafford Thomas Wentworth 1st earl ofWilliam Thomas StrayhornSuffolk Thomas Howard 1st earl ofSumter ThomasSydenham ThomasTallis ThomasTelford ThomasThomas HemerkenThomas ClarenceThomas Dylan MarlaisThomas George HenryThomas HelenThomas Isiah Lord IIIThomas LewisThomas Lowell JacksonThomas Norman MattoonThomas SaintTompion ThomasTraherne ThomasThomas Wright WallerWatson Thomas John Sr.Thomas Sturges WatsonWeelkes ThomasWeller Thomas HuckleThomas Lanier WilliamsWilson Thomas WoodrowWolfe Thomas ClaytonWolsey Thomas CardinalWyat ThomasSir ThomasThomas WyattYoung ThomasShaughnessy of Montreal and Ashford Thomas George Shaughnessy 1st Baron* * *
Universalium. 2010.