- tense
adj.1. stretched tight, as a cord, fiber, etc.; drawn taut; rigid.2. in a state of mental or nervous strain; high-strung; taut: a tense person.3. characterized by a strain upon the nerves or feelings: a tense moment.v.t., v.i.5. to make or become tense.[1660-70; < L tensus ptp. of tendere to stretch; see TEND1]tense2—tenseless, adj. —tenselessly, adv. —tenselessness, n./tens/, n.1. a category of verbal inflection that serves chiefly to specify the time of the action or state expressed by the verb.2. a set of such categories or constructions in a particular language.3. the time, as past, present, or future, expressed by such a category.4. such categories or constructions, or their meanings collectively.[1275-1325; ME tens < MF < L tempus time]
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In grammar, an inflected form of a verb indicating the time of a narrated event in relation to the time at which the narrator is speaking.Time is often perceived as a continuum with three main divisions, past, present, and future, defined in relation to the time when the event is described. Other categories, including mood and aspect, may further specify the action as definite or indefinite, completed or not completed, lasting or nonlasting, and recurring or occurring once.* * *
▪ grammarin grammar, a verbal category relating the time of a narrated event to the time of the speech event. In many languages the concept of time is expressed not by the verb but by other parts of speech (temporal adverbials or even nouns, for example).Time is frequently perceived as a continuum with three main divisions: past, present, and future. The past and future times are defined in relation to the present time (now). Past tense refers to any time before the present time, and future tense refers to any time after the present. Not all languages perceive this relationship as a linear one, nor do these categories characterize all possible times. Tense, then, is a grammatical expression of time reference. The correlation between tense and time is not necessarily one-to-one; languages do not recognize as many oppositions of tense as they have conceptions of time. English has past, present, and future times, but only a past and a nonpast opposition of tense.Grammatical tense may not equal real time:The flight is leaving at 5:00 PM.That will be $5.00, please. [At a grocery check-out line.]In the first sentence, the verb form that usually indicates present time is here used to indicate future time. In the second sentence, the verb form usually indicating future time is here used to indicate present time. The past form of the verb generally refers to past time, to a narrated event prior to the speech event.In other languages the category of tense may express other oppositions, such as proximate versus nonproximate, now versus not now, etc. In English, however, the grammatical category of tense relates to the ontological concept of time in a binary opposition: past versus nonpast. Nonpast tense is considered “unmarked” for tense and thus can comprise present, future and even past times. With the exception of some problematic modal constructions—such as would in “John said he would go tomorrow,” in which would is grammatically a past tense of will but is used to indicate future time—the past tense indicates only past time and is thus said to be “marked” with respect to tense. Other grammatical categories, such as mood and aspect, may add another dimension to the time reference, further specifying the action as definite or indefinite, completed or not completed, lasting or nonlasting.* * *
Universalium. 2010.