
/teuh tah"mee/, n., pl. tatami, tatamis.
(in Japanese houses) any of a number of thick, woven straw mats of uniform dimensions, about three feet by six feet (91 cm by 183 cm), the placing of which determines the dimensions of an interior.
[1895-1900; < Japn, n. use of v.: to fold up]

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plural  tatami,  or  tatamis,  

      rectangular mat used as a floor covering in Japanese houses. It consists of a thick straw base and a soft, finely woven rush cover with cloth borders. A tatami measures approximately 180 by 90 cm (6 by 3 feet) and is about 5 cm (2 inches) thick. In shinden and shoin domestic architecture, tatami completely cover the floor.

      From primitive times, the floor has remained the common surface for sitting and sleeping in Japanese architecture. To protect the floor and the tatami, outdoor footwear is left in the genkan, or entrance hall, before entering. Tatami are susceptible to wear and must be replaced on occasion. Because the floor has an intimate quality for the Japanese, its characteristics are important in establishing the interior space. Thus, the standardized size of the mat has created an important modular unit in the development of Japanese architecture; for example, the shoji, or outer sliding partition doors, are approximately as high as the tatami are long. The number of mats required to cover the floor is often used to indicate the size of a room: e.g., a two-mat room, a six-mat room. The placement of objects in the tokonoma, an alcove for the display of art, and the construction of the garden are considered from the eye level of a person seated on a tatami.

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Universalium. 2010.

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