tabula rasa

tabula rasa
/tab"yeuh leuh rah"seuh, -zeuh, ray"-/; Lat. /tah"boo lah' rddah"sah/, pl. tabulae rasae /tab"yeuh lee' rah"see, -zee, ray"-/; Lat. /tah"boo luy' rddah"suy/.
1. a mind not yet affected by experiences, impressions, etc.
2. anything existing undisturbed in its original pure state.
[1525-35; < L tabula rasa scraped tablet, clean slate]

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      (Latin:scraped tablet,” i.e.,clean slate”), in epistemology (theory of knowledge) and psychology, a supposed condition that empiricists attribute to the human mind before ideas have been imprinted on it by the reaction of the senses to the external world of objects.

      Comparison of the mind to a blank writing-tablet occurs in Aristotle's De anima (4th century BC), and the Stoics as well as the Aristotelian Peripatetics subsequently argued for an original state of mental blankness. Both the Aristotelians and the Stoics, however, emphasized those faculties of the mind or soul that, having been only potential or inactive before receiving ideas from the senses, respond to the ideas by an intellectual process and convert them into knowledge.

      A new and revolutionary emphasis on the tabula rasa occurred late in the 17th century, when the English empiricist John Locke (Locke, John), in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), argued for the mind's initial resemblance towhite paper, void of all characters,” withall the materials of reason and knowledgederived from experience. Though Locke himself fell back onreflectionas a power of the mind for the exploitation of the givenmaterials,” his championship of the tabula rasa signaled even more radical positions by later philosophers.

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