
/tah"bleuh, tub"leuh/, n.
a small drum or pair of drums of India tuned to different pitches and played with the hands.
[1860-65; earlier tubla < Hindi tabla < Ar tabla, deriv. of tabl drum]

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Pair of small drums, the principal percussion in Hindustani music of northern India.

The higher-pitched daya, played with the right hand, is a roughly cylindrical one-skinned drum, usually wooden, normally tuned to the raga's tonic. The baya, played with the left hand, is a deep kettledrum usually of copper; its pitch varies with pressure from the heel of the player's hand. A disk of black tuning paste on the membrane of each drum gives it harmonic overtones.

Indian tabla, consisting of two drums, ...

James Blades

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 pair of small drums (drum) fundamental (since the 18th century) to Hindustani music of northern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The higher-pitched of the two drums, which is played with the right hand, is also referred to individually as the tabla or as the daya (dahina or dayan, meaningright”). It is a single-headed drum usually of wood and having the profile of two truncated cones bulging at the centre, the lower portion shorter. It is about 25 cm (10 inches) in height and 15 cm (6 inches) across. Skin tension is maintained by thong lacings and wooden dowels that are tapped with a hammer in retuning. It is usually tuned to the tonic, or ground note, of the raga (melodic pattern).

 The baya (bahina or bayan, meaningleft”), played with the left hand, is a deep kettledrum measuring about 25 cm (10 inches) in height, and the drum face is about 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. It is usually made of copper but may also be made of clay or wood, with a hoop and thong lacings to maintain skin tension. Pressure from the heel of the player's hand changes the tone colour and pitch. The tuning of the baya varies, but it may be a fifth or an octave below the daya. A disk of black tuning paste placed on the skin of each drum affects pitch and also generates overtones (overtone) characteristic of the drums' sound. The musician plays the tabla while seated, with the baya to the left of the daya. Sound is produced on the drums through a variety of different finger and hand strokes. Each drum stroke can be expressed by a corresponding vocable, used for both teaching and performance purposes. The intricate music of the drums reflects the rhythmic pattern ( tala) of the piece.

      Tabla can be documented in India from the late 18th century. Originally associated with courtesan dance traditions, tabla now are used in a variety of genres and styles of Hindustani music. Distinguished players of the tabla include Alla Rakha and his son Zakir Hussain.

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