
/sooh"peuhr sim"i tree/, n. Physics.
a hypothetical symmetry among groups of particles containing fermions and bosons, esp. in theories of gravity (supergravity) that unify electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force with gravity into a single unified force.
[1970-75; SUPER- + SYMMETRY]

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      in particle physics (physics), a symmetry between fermions (fermion) (subatomic particles with half-integer values of intrinsic angular momentum, or spin) and bosons (boson) (particles with integer values of spin). Supersymmetry is a complex mathematical framework based on the theory of group transformations that was developed beginning in the early 1970s to understand at a more-fundamental level the burgeoning number of subatomic particles (subatomic particle) being produced in high-energy particle accelerator experiments. It has evolved to address internal inconsistencies that arose in attempts to unify the forces in the standard model of particle physics. Supersymmetry is an essential feature of supergravity, the quantum field theory of the gravitational force (gravitation), and of string theory, an ambitious attempt to provide a self-consistent quantum theory unifying all particles and forces in nature.

      A physical entity is said to exhibit symmetry when it appears unchanged after undergoing a transformation operation. A square, for example, has a fourfold symmetry by which it appears the same when rotated about its centre through 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees; four 90-degree rotations bring the square back to its original position. Symmetry with respect to time and space transformations is embodied within physical laws such as the conservation of energy (energy, conservation of) and the conservation of momentum (momentum, conservation of). With supersymmetry, fermions can be transformed into bosons without changing the structure of the underlying theory of the particles and their interactions. Thus, supersymmetry provides a relationship between the elementary particles that make up matterquarks (quark) and leptons (lepton), which are all fermionsand theforce-carrierparticles that transmit the fundamental interactions (fundamental interaction) of matter (all bosons). By showing that one type of particle is in effect a different facet of the other type, supersymmetry reduces the number of basic types of particle from two to one.

      When a fermion is transformed into a boson and then back again into a fermion, it turns out that the particle has moved in space, an effect that is related to special relativity (relativity). Supersymmetry therefore relates transformations in an internal property of particles (spin) to transformations in space-time. In particular, when supersymmetry is made alocalsymmetry, so that the transformations vary over space-time, it automatically includes a particle with a spin of 2, which can be identified as the graviton, theforce carrierassociated with gravity. Theories involving supersymmetry in its local form are therefore often known as supergravity theories.

      Supersymmetry also plays an important role in modern theories of particle physics because the new particles that it requires can eliminate various infinite quantities that otherwise appear in calculations of particle interactions at high energies, particularly in attempts at unified theories of the fundamental forces. These new particles are the bosons (or fermions) into which the known fermions (or bosons) are transformed by supersymmetry. Thus, supersymmetry implies a doubling of the number of the known particles. For example, fermions such as electrons and quarks should have bosonic supersymmetric partners, which have been given the names of selectrons and squarks. Similarly, known bosons such as the photon and the gluon should have fermionic supersymmetric partners, called the photino and the gluino. There has been no experimental evidence that suchsuperparticlesexist. If they do indeed exist, their masses could be in the range of 50 to 1,000 times that of the proton.

Christine Sutton

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Universalium. 2010.

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