
/ferr"mee on'/, n. Physics.
any particle that obeys the exclusion principle and Fermi-Dirac statistics; fermions have spins that are half an odd integer: 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, . ...
[1945-50; FERMI + (MES)ON]

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Any of a group of subatomic particles having odd half-integral spin (12, 32).

Fermions are named for the Fermi-Dirac statistics that describe their behaviour. They include particles in the class of leptons, baryons, and nuclei of odd mass number (e.g., tritium, helium-3, uranium-233). They obey the Pauli exclusion principle. Fermions are produced and undergo annihilation in particle-antiparticle pairs. See also boson.

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      any member of a group of subatomic particles having odd half-integral angular momentum (spin 1/2, 3/2), named for the Fermi-Dirac statistics that describe its behaviour. Fermions include particles in the class of leptons (e.g., electrons, muons), baryons (e.g., neutrons, protons, lambda particles), and nuclei of odd mass number (e.g., tritium, helium-3, uranium-233).

      Fermions obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which forbids more than one particle of this type from occupying a single quantum state. This condition underlies, for example, the buildup of electrons within an atom in successive orbitals around the nucleus and thereby prevents matter from collapsing to an extremely dense state. Fermions are produced and undergo annihilation in particle-antiparticle pairs. See also boson.

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