
Helsingborg [helsiŋ bō̂r΄y']

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Hel·sing·borg (hĕlʹsĭng-bôrg', hĕl'sĭng-bôrʹē)

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formerly  Hälsingborg 
 city and seaport, Skåne län (county), southern Sweden, at the narrowest part of The Sound (Sound, The) (Öresund), opposite the Danish town of Helsingør (Elsinore). It is the most convenient place for motor traffic to cross to and from the European continent. Because of its situation, Helsingborg is known asthe Pearl of The Sound.” It was first mentioned as a town in 1085 and was of great military and political importance during the European Middle Ages because of its strong fortress. Ceded to Sweden by Denmark in 1658, Helsingborg was thereafter laid waste several times by the Danes before hostilities ended in the early 18th century. The abolition in 1857 of the toll for crossing The Sound marked the beginning of the town's commercial prosperity.

      Of the ancient fortifications, only Kärnan (theKeep”) has survived. Other notable buildings are the town hall (1897), in North German Gothic style; the concert hall (1931); the 13th-century Gothic-style Maria Church; and an indoor sports centre that is one of the biggest stadiums in Sweden. Museums include Vikingsberg Art Gallery and an open-air museum. Two monuments are of special interest: a Carl Milles statue to shipping and a black and gold globe of the universe in honour of the astronomer Tycho Brahe (Brahe, Tycho). Sofiero Castle, the royal summer residence, is nearby.

      Helsingborg is a leading shipping centre and a major manufacturing town. Shipbuilding is also important. There is ferry service to Helsingør, and railways run to Stockholm, Göteborg, and Malmö. Pop. (2005 est.) mun., 122,062.

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