
/sweet/ or, for 3 often, /sooht/, n.
1. a number of things forming a series or set.
2. a connected series of rooms to be used together: a hotel suite.
3. a set of furniture, esp. a set comprising the basic furniture necessary for one room: a bedroom suite.
4. a company of followers or attendants; a train or retinue.
5. Music.
a. an ordered series of instrumental dances, in the same or related keys, commonly preceded by a prelude.
b. an ordered series of instrumental movements of any character.
6. Computers. a group of software programs sold as a unit and usually designed to work together.
[1665-75; < F, appar. metathetic var. of OF siute (see SUIT); akin to SUE, SUITOR]

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Set of instrumental dances or dancelike movements.

The suite originated in the paired dances of the 14th16th centuries (pavane-galliard, basse danse-saltarello, etc.). In the 16th17th centuries German composers began to write sets of three or four dances, as in Johann Hermann Schein's Banchetto musicale (1617). In the late 17th century a basic ordering of four dances
became established as standard; other dances came to be interpolated between the sarabande and gigue. In the 19th century suite came to refer to sets of instrumental excerpts from operas and ballets.

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      in music, a group of self-contained instrumental movements of varying character, usually in the same key. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the period of its greatest importance, the suite consisted principally of dance movements. In the 19th and 20th centuries the term also referred more generally to a variety of sets of instrumental pieces, mainly in forms smaller than those of the sonata, and included selections for concert performance of incidental music to plays (e.g., Felix Mendelssohn's music for Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream [composed 1843] and Georges Bizet's L'Arlésienne suite [composed 1872]) and ballet music (e.g., Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker suite [1892] and Igor Stravinsky's Firebird suites [1911, 1919, 1945]).

      The suite of related dance movements originated in the paired dances of the 14th16th centuries, such as the pavane and galliard or the basse danse and saltarello. Often the same melodic theme would be treated in different metre and tempo in the two dances. In the 16th and 17th centuries German composers often arranged three or four dances as a unified musical entity, an early example being Johann Hermann Schein's Banchetto musicale (published 1617), a collection of suites of five dances for five viols.

      In France the trend was to publish suites for solo lute or keyboard that were simply collections of as many as 17 or 18 pieces, almost always dances, in the same key. The French composers gradually transformed the dances into elegant, refined compositions, and the individual dance genres developed distinctive musical traits. Usually the French composers gave their pieces fanciful or evocative titles, as in the ordres (suites) of François Couperin (Couperin, François) (e.g., the allemande L'Auguste from Ordre I of his first book of harpsichord music).

      By the early 18th century four dances had become standard in the suite: the allemande, courante, sarabande, and gigue, in that order. This basic grouping had been established in Germany in the late 17th century after Johann Jakob Froberger (Froberger, Johann Jakob) began to include a gigue either before or after the courante in the then common German arrangement of allemande, courante, sarabande. Froberger's publisher later reordered the dances in the sequence that became standard.

      By the mid-18th century the use of additional movements (galanteries), such as gavottes, bourrées, and minuets, and even of an air (a lyrical movement not deriving from a dance), was common, as was a variously entitled introductory movement; e.g., prelude, overture, fantasia, sinfonia. Examples of such expansions of the basic four movements in the solo suite include J.S. Bach's English Suites, French Suites, and Partitas (partita was a common German term forsuite”).

      Outside France and Germany the order and selection of dances tended to be less standardized. In Italy a suite for chamber ensemble or orchestra was commonly termed sonata da camera (chamber sonata). Particularly in Germany another type of suite also developed in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. This type included dances then modern rather than the four traditional dance types, which by then, abstracted and refined, had lost their immediate dance character. It opened with an overture in the French style; hence, suites of this type were often called ouvertures. Examples of this more flexible approach include the collections Florilegia (1695, 1698) of Georg Muffat, Johann Sebastian Bach's four Ouvertures for orchestra, and George Frideric Handel's Water Music (1717) and Music for the Royal Fireworks (1749).

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