
Stately processional dance in triple metre popular in the French court and throughout Europe in the 17th18th century.

Of Spanish or Mexican origin, it began as a vigorous dance, set to lively music and castanets, for a double line of couples. At first considered improper, it was forbidden in Spain in 1583. In the early 17th century it was modified to its slow, dignified court version in France and Italy. The slow sarabande, usually with an accented dotted note on the second beat, became a standard movement of the baroque suite.

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      originally, a dance considered disreputable in 16th-century Spain, and, later, a slow, stately dance that was popular in France. Possibly of Mexican origin or perhaps evolved from a Spanish dance with Arab influence that was modified in the New World, it was apparently danced by a double line of couples to castanets and lively music. It was vigorously suppressed in Spain in 1583 but in the early 17th century spread to Italy and reached the French court, where it became a slow, serious processional dance in 3/2 metre. The sarabande remained popular in France through the 17th century and survived somewhat longer as a stage dance. As a musical form it is a stylized version of the French dance; when used as part of a suite, as in Dietrich Buxtehude's four suites for lute or clavichord, it is normally the third movement.

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