
styleless, adj.stylelessness, n.stylelike, adj.
/stuyl/, n., v. styled, styling.
1. a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character: the baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for their liking.
2. a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting: They do these things in a grand style.
3. a mode of living, as with respect to expense or display.
4. an elegant, fashionable, or luxurious mode of living: to live in style.
5. a mode of fashion, as in dress, esp. good or approved fashion; elegance; smartness.
6. the mode of expressing thought in writing or speaking by selecting and arranging words, considered with respect to clearness, effectiveness, euphony, or the like, that is characteristic of a group, period, person, personality, etc.: to write in the style of Faulkner; a familiar style; a pompous, pedantic style.
7. those components or features of a literary composition that have to do with the form of expression rather than the content of the thought expressed: His writing is all style and no substance.
8. manner or tone adopted in discourse or conversation: a patronizing style of addressing others.
9. a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode or form of construction or execution in any art or work: Her painting is beginning to show a personal style.
10. a descriptive or distinguishing appellation, esp. a legal, official, or recognized title: a firm trading under the style of Smith, Jones, & Co.
11. stylus (defs. 1, 2).
12. the gnomon of a sundial.
13. a method of reckoning time. Cf. New Style, old style (def. 2).
14. Zool. a small, pointed process or part.
15. Bot. a narrow, usually cylindrical and more or less filiform extension of the pistil, which, when present, bears the stigma at its apex. See diag. under flower.
16. the rules or customs of typography, punctuation, spelling, and related matters used by a newspaper, magazine, publishing house, etc., or in a specific publication.
17. go out of style, to become unfashionable: The jacket he's wearing went out of style ten years ago.
18. in style, fashionable.
19. to call by a given title or appellation; denominate; name; call: The pope is styled His or Your Holiness.
20. to design or arrange in accordance with a given or new style: to style an evening dress; to style one's hair.
21. to bring into conformity with a specific style or give a specific style to: Please style this manuscript.
22. to do decorative work with a style or stylus.
[1250-1300; ME (n.) < L stylus, sp. var. of stilus tool for writing, hence, written composition, style; see STYLUS]
Syn. 2. method, approach. 5. chic. See fashion. 9. touch, characteristic, mark. 18. designate, address.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Style Moderne
Beaux Arts style
Hiberno Saxon style
Jogan style
Spanish Mission style
Proto Geometric style
Tempyo style

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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