
stingily, adv.stinginess, n.
/stin"jee/, adj., stingier, stingiest.
1. reluctant to give or spend; not generous; niggardly; penurious: He's a stingy old miser.
2. scanty or meager: a stingy little income.
[1650-60; perh. deriv. of STING; see -Y1]
Syn. 1. tight. STINGY, PARSIMONIOUS, MISERLY, MEAN, CLOSE all mean reluctant to part with money or goods. STINGY, the most general of these terms, means unwilling to share, give, or spend possessions or money: children who are stingy with their toys; a stingy, grasping skinflint. PARSIMONIOUS describes an extreme stinginess arising from unusual or excessive frugality: a sternly parsimonious, penny-pinching existence. MISERLY stresses a pathological pleasure in acquiring and hoarding money that is so powerful that even necessities are only grudgingly purchased: a wretched, miserly way of life.
MEAN suggests a small-minded, ignoble, petty stinginess leading to miserable, cheerless living: depressingly mean with his money; mean surroundings; a mean repast. CLOSE implies extreme caution in spending money, even an aversion to spending: a close dealer, buying only at rock bottom prices; generous with advice, but very close with his money. 2. sparse, paltry, poor.
Ant. 1. generous.
/sting"ee/, adj.
having a sting.
[1605-15; STING + -Y1]

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  • stingy — ► ADJECTIVE (stingier, stingiest) informal ▪ mean; ungenerous. DERIVATIVES stingily adverb stinginess noun. ORIGIN perhaps a dialect variant of STING(Cf. ↑stinger) …   English terms dictionary

  • stingy — stingy1 [stin′jē] adj. stingier, stingiest [< * stinge, dial. form of STING] 1. giving or spending grudgingly or only through necessity; mean; miserly 2. less than needed or expected; scanty stingily adv. stinginess n. SYN. STINGY1 …   English World dictionary

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