
/stuyl/, n.
1. a series of steps or rungs by means of which a person may pass over a wall or fence that remains a barrier to sheep or cattle.
2. a turnstile.
[bef. 900; ME; OE stigel, deriv. of stigan to climb, c. G steigen]
/stuyl/, n. Carpentry, Furniture.
any of various upright members framing panels or the like, as in a system of paneling, a paneled door, window sash, or chest of drawers. Cf. rail1 (def. 8).
[1670-80; perh. < D stijl (door-, bed-) post, strut]

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  • stile — STILE. s. m. (Quelques uns escrivent encore Style.) C estoit parmi les anciens Une sorte de poinçon ou grosse aiguille, avec la pointe de laquelle on escrivoit sur des tabletes de cire, de plomb &c. & l on s en sert encore aujourd huy pour… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Stile — Stile, n. [OE. stile, AS. stigel a step, a ladder, from st[=i]gan to ascend; akin to OHG. stigila a stile. [root]164. See {Sty}, v. i., and cf. {Stair}.] 1. A step, or set of steps, for ascending and descending, in passing a fence or wall. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stile — s.m. [lat. stĭlus stilo ]. 1. a. (artist., lett.) [complesso degli espedienti formali utilizzati da un artista, uno scrittore e sim.: curare lo s. ; esercizi di s. ] ▶◀ espressione, forma. b. [modo individuale e riconoscibile di esprimersi di un… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Stile — Stile, n. [See {Style}.] 1. A pin set on the face of a dial, to cast a shadow; a style. See {Style}. Moxon. [1913 Webster] 2. Mode of composition. See {Style}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] May I not write in such a stile as this? Bunyan. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stile — ● stile nom masculin (latin stilus) Tige de fer pointue à une extrémité et spatulée à l autre, employée dans l Antiquité et au Moyen Âge pour tracer des caractères sur les tablettes de cire. (On écrit aussi style.) stile [stil] n. m. ⇒ Style (B.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stilè — agg. [adattam. del fr. stylé, der. di style stile ]. [di persona che, nel modo di vestire, di comportarsi e sim., mostra eleganza, buongusto e raffinatezza] ▶◀ elegante, fine, raffinato. ◀▶ inelegante, trasandato. ↓ grossier, grossolano, rozzo …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • stile — stile, style There are three words here, all derived from the Latin word stilus meaning ‘a writing tool’. The two words spelt stile are (1) from Old English, meaning ‘a set of steps for crossing a fence’ and (2) probably from Dutch, meaning ‘a… …   Modern English usage

  • Stile — (ital.), Stil; S. osservato, der »hergebrachte«, strenge Stil, besonders der reine Vokal (a cappella , Palestrina ) Stil; S. rappresentativo, der für die szenische Darstellung geeignete, dramatische Stil, die um 1600 erfundene begleitete Monodie… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Stile — STILE, es, eben dergleichen. Hygin. Fab. 181. & Ovid. Metam. III. v. 217 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • stile — [staıl] n [: Old English; Origin: stigel] a set of steps that helps people climb over a fence in the countryside …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stile — [ staıl ] noun count a structure with steps near a fence or a wall, used for helping you climb over …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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