
stewable, adj.
/stooh, styooh/, v.t.
1. to cook (food) by simmering or slow boiling.
2. to undergo cooking by simmering or slow boiling.
3. Informal. to fret, worry, or fuss: He stewed about his chaotic state of affairs all day.
4. to feel uncomfortable due to a hot, humid, stuffy atmosphere, as in a closed room; swelter.
5. stew in one's own juice, to suffer the consequences of one's own actions.
6. a preparation of meat, fish, or other food cooked by stewing, esp. a mixture of meat and vegetables.
7. Informal. a state of agitation, uneasiness, or worry.
8. a brothel; whorehouse.
9. stews, a neighborhood occupied chiefly by brothels.
10. Obs. a vessel for boiling or stewing.
[1350-1400; ME stewen, stuwen to take a sweat bath < MF estuver, v. deriv. of estuve sweat room of a bath; see STOVE1]
Syn. 1. See boil1. 6. ragout.
/stooh, styooh/, n. Slang.
1. steward;
2. stewardess.
[by shortening]

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      dish of meat, poultry, or fish, usually with vegetables, cooked in liquid in a closed vessel over low heat. Prepared properly, the stew never boils, but simmers at about 190° F (88° C), a process that tenderizes tougher foods and mingles flavours. Meats to be stewed are cut in cubes, fowls are jointed, and fish is cut in steaks or chunks. For brown stews, the meat pieces (and sometimes a portion of the vegetables) are seared in hot fat before the liquid is added. Poultry is often cooked à blanc, without browning, as are delicate veal and lamb stews. Root vegetables (carrots, onions, turnips, parsnips, and potatoes), tomatoes, and celery are commonly added to stews. The sauce that develops as the dish cooks may be thickened by pureeing the vegetables or by incorporating flour or egg yolks.

      The French ragout à brun is a brown stew that is flavoured with garlic, tomato, and herbs. A navarin is a ragout à brun made with lamb or mutton; navarin à la printanière has been garnished with new potatoes, carrots, peas, onions, and turnips. Fricassees and blanquettes arewhitestews of poultry (in the case of fricassee), veal, or lamb. They are delicately flavoured with mushrooms, mild vegetables, and herbs; the sauce is thickened with egg yolks and cream.

      Stews are found in virtually all of the world's cuisines. Gulyás ( goulash, q.v.), pörkölt, paprikás, and tokany are four stews that have been called the four pillars of Hungarian cooking. Bigos, a hunter's stew of Poland, combines a variety of fresh and cured meats, game, cabbage or sauerkraut, and aromatic vegetables. Irish stew is a simplewhitedish of mutton, onions, and potatoes. A Greek stifado of beef is flavoured with red wine, onions, tomatoes, bay leaf, and garlic, and it may contain cubes of feta cheese. Two American stews deserve mention: Brunswick stew (originating in Brunswick County, Virginia) combines squirrel, rabbitmore commonly today, chickensweet corn, lima beans, tomatoes, okra, and onions; Kentucky's burgoo is similar, adding beef and potatoes, carrots, turnips, and other vegetables.

      Fish stews may be made with freshwater or ocean fish; often a variety is used, with shellfish. Notable are the French meurette, matelote, cotriade, and bouillabaisse (q.v.); the Spanish zarzuela; the Italian cacciucco; the Belgian waterzooi; and the cioppino of the United States.

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