
hard core n.
1. The most dedicated, unfailingly loyal faction of a group or organization:

the hard core of the separatist movement.

2. An intractable core or nucleus of a society, especially one that is stubbornly resistant to improvement or change.
3. often hard·core (härdʹkôr', -kōr') A form of exceptionally harsh punk rock.

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n [U]
a type of electronic pop music that became popular in Britain in the early 1990s. It is similar to techno, with a very fast beat and few words.

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  • Hardcore — (or hard core or hard core, for many terms) may refer to: hard core, the members of a group or movement who form an intransigent nucleus resistant to change hard core, material such as stones and broken bricks used as the foundation for buildings …   Wikipedia

  • Hardcore — (hard core, hard core, von englisch hard core, „harter Kern“) steht für: einen Teil eines Chipdesigns in der Halbleiterindustrie, siehe IP Core eine explizite Darstellung sexueller Aktivitäten, siehe Pornografie eine gewalttätige Sonderform des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hardcore — (izg. hȃrdkōr) m DEFINICIJA 1. glazb. varijanta punk rocka utemeljena poč. 1980 ih s nakanom čuvanja i radikaliziranja izvornog duha punka; iznimno brz ritam, agresivni tekstovi (više izvikivani nego pjevani) 2. film. pornografski film u kojem je …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • hardcore — also hard core; 1936 (n.); 1951 (adj.); from HARD (Cf. hard) + CORE (Cf. core). Original use seems to be among economists and sociologists. Extension to pornography is attested by 1966. Also the name of a surfacing material …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hardcore —    Drame de Paul Schrader, avec George C. Scott, Peter Boyle, Season Hubley.   Pays: États Unis   Date de sortie: 1979   Technique: couleurs   Durée: 1 h 48    Résumé    Un petit industriel puritain du Middle West découvre avec stupeur que sa… …   Dictionnaire mondial des Films

  • Hardcore — Pour les articles homonymes, voir HC. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Hardcore (HC) est un terme anglais signifiant « noyau dur ». Il peut se référer à : Musique H …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hardcore — El anglicismo hardcore (violento, duro) puede tener varios significados: Hardcore techno / electrónico, un estilo de música electrónica de pistas de baile, raves y festivales, nacido en Alemania y Holanda, con gran aceptación en los Países Bajos …   Wikipedia Español

  • hardcore — /hadˈkɔ/ (say hahd kaw) noun 1. solid pieces of rock, gravel or broken brick which form a foundation base for other building materials. –adjective 2. of or relating to an unadulterated form of something; classic: hardcore skating; hardcore heavy… …  

  • Hardcore '81 — Infobox Album Name = Hardcore 81 Type = Album Longtype = Artist = D.O.A. Released = 1981 Recorded = 1981 Genre = Hardcore punk Length = 34:56 Label = Sudden Death Producer = D.O.A. Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|4|5 [http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p …   Wikipedia

  • Hardcore — En inglés, el término hardcore se utiliza con frecuencia para describir lo extremo o aquello que roza los límites de lo habitual. En música existen varios géneros llamados hardcore: ● Una derivación del punk rock hardcore punk. El término se… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • hardcore — I. adj 1. thoroughly criminal, deviant or sexually debauched. This is a specific sense of the colloquial meaning of hardcore (committed or uncompromising, as applied, e.g., to political beliefs or pornography). In the 1970s in the USA the word… …   Contemporary slang

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