
haptoglobin [hap glō΄bin]
a blood protein that binds with free hemoglobin in the bloodstream or at a wound when red blood cells decompose or are destroyed abnormally in the circulation

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hap·to·glo·bin (hăpʹtə-glō'bĭn) n.
A plasma protein that is a normal constituent of blood serum and functions in the binding of free hemoglobin in the bloodstream.
  [Greek haptein, to bind, fasten + hemoglobin.]

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      a colourless protein of the α-globulin fraction of human serum (liquid portion of blood plasma after the clotting factor fibrinogen has been removed) that transports hemoglobin freed from destroyed red blood cells to the reticuloendothelial system, where it is broken down. Three common typesnumbered 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2and three uncommon types of haptoglobin are known and are believed to result from combinations among three alleles (forms of genes). The serum haptoglobin level is raised during inflammations and certain other conditions; it is lowered in hemolytic disease and some types of liver disease.

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  • Haptoglobin — (abbreviated as Hp) is a protein in the blood plasma that binds free hemoglobin released from erythrocytes with high affinity and thereby inhibits its oxidative activity. The haptoglobin hemoglobin complex will then be removed by the… …   Wikipedia

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  • haptoglobin — [hap′tə glō΄bin] n. a blood protein that binds with free hemoglobin in the bloodstream or at a wound when red blood cells decompose or are destroyed abnormally in the circulation …   English World dictionary

  • haptoglobin — A group of α2 globulins in human serum, so called because of their ability to combine with hemoglobin, preventing loss in the urine; variant types form a polymorphic system, with α and β polypeptide chains controlled by separate genetic loci.… …   Medical dictionary

  • haptoglobin — n. a protein present in blood plasma that binds with free haemoglobin to form a complex that is rapidly removed from the circulation by the liver. Depletion of plasma haptoglobin is a feature of anaemias in which red blood cells are destroyed… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • haptoglobin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek haptein + International Scientific Vocabulary hemoglobin Date: 1941 any of several forms of an alpha globulin found in blood serum that can combine with free hemoglobin in the plasma …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • haptoglobin — Acid a2 plasma glycoprotein that binds to oxyhaemoglobin that is free in the plasma, and the complex is then removed in the liver. Tetrameric (2 a, 2 b subunits) : the existence of two different a chains in humans means that haptoglobins can… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • haptoglobin — noun A protein in blood plasma that binds free hemoglobin released from erythrocytes and thereby inhibits its oxidative activity …   Wiktionary

  • Haptoglobin — Hap|to|glo|bin [griech. háptein = anbinden, befestigen; ↑ Globin] ein Plasmaprotein (↑ Glykoprotein) mit je zwei α u. β Ketten, MG ca. 100 000–120 000, das Hämoglobin spezif. bindet u. an dessen Abbau beteiligt ist …   Universal-Lexikon

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