
/stawnch/, v.t., v.i., n.
/stawnch, stahnch/, adj., stauncher, staunchest.
1. firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person: a staunch Republican; a staunch friend.
2. characterized by firmness, steadfastness, or loyalty: He delivered a staunch defense of the government.
3. strong; substantial: a staunch little hut in the woods.
4. impervious to water or other liquids; watertight: a staunch vessel.
Also, stanch.
[1375-1425; late ME sta(u)nch < MF estanche (fem.), estanc (masc.), deriv. of estancher to STANCH1]
Syn. 1. constant, true, faithful. See steadfast. 2. resolute. 3. stout, sound.

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