- spur
—spurless, adj. —spurlike, adj. —spurrer, n.n.1. a U-shaped device that slips over and straps to the heel of a boot and has a blunt, pointed, or roweled projection at the back for use by a mounted rider to urge a horse forward.2. anything that goads, impels, or urges, as to action, speed, or achievement.4. Ornith. a stiff, usually sharp, horny process on the leg of various birds, esp. the domestic rooster, or on the bend of the wing, as in jacanas and screamers.5. Pathol. a bony projection or exostosis.6. a sharp piercing or cutting instrument fastened to the leg of a gamecock in cockfighting; gaff.7. Physical Geog. a ridge or line of elevation projecting from or subordinate to the main body of a mountain or mountain range.8. something that projects and resembles or suggests a gaff; sharp projection.9. a short or stunted branch or shoot, as of a tree.10. Typography. a short, seriflike projection from the bottom of the short vertical stroke in the capital G in some fonts.12. Bot.a. a slender, usually hollow, projection from some part of a flower, as from the calyx of the larkspur or the corolla of the violet.b. a short shoot bearing flowers, as in fruit trees.13. Archit.a. a short wooden brace, usually temporary, for strengthening a post or some other part.b. any offset from a wall, as a buttress. c. griffe2.14. Ceram. a triangular support of refractory clay for an object being fired.16. on the spur of the moment, without deliberation; impulsively; suddenly: We headed for the beach on the spur of the moment.17. win one's spurs, to achieve distinction or success for the first time; prove one's ability or worth: Our team hasn't won its spurs yet.v.t.18. to prick with or as if with a spur or spurs; incite or urge on: The rider spurred his mount ruthlessly. Appreciation spurs ambition.19. to strike or wound with the spur, as a gamecock.20. to furnish with spurs or a spur.v.i.21. to goad or urge one's horse with spurs or a spur; ride quickly.22. to proceed hurriedly; press forward: We spurred onward through the night.[bef. 900; (n.) ME spure, OE spura; c. OHG sporo, ON spori spur; akin to SPURN; (v.) ME spuren, deriv. of the n.]Syn. 1, 2. goad. 2. incitement, stimulus, incentive, inducement, provocation, instigation. 18. goad, provoke, stimulate, impel, inspire, induce, instigate.spur2/sperr/, n. Papermaking.a batch of newly made rag-paper sheets.[1880-85; orig. uncert.]
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Universalium. 2010.